like the title says - he's definately got a problem but it doesn't stop him from trying - it just looks like he's constipaded - not terribly bloated but he fights to swim downward and when he's on the top he's kinda on his side. I know some of you breeders have had these issues before. Please tell me what you did to help. I don't want to euthanize. He seems really healthy otherwise.
here's his picture
and here's a couple of his siblings - just cause they're cute
Hmm, it's hard to say. Can you see air bubbles in his stomach, or is his swimbladder swollen? The two I had with buoyancy problems were actually gulping down air...
You can try isolating him and adding salt to his water, fasting him, feeding pea, and if it's a true swimbladder issue some antibiotics might help as it is sometimes caused by an internal infection. If none of that works I'm not sure what else you could do... In my opinion there's no need to cull just because of a swimbladder problem though. As long as he doesn't appear to be really suffering in any way he can still live a full life