Fry Update

One DT had perfectly even lobes and a GREAT split, but had a crooked spine... which made me very very sad. :p He was adopted by someone a few weeks ago and is being a very spoiled pet. ;) I think there are a couple who have even pretty even lobes as well, but none with as good of splits as that one.
Thanks! :D

Sukie, I'll probably be spawning my yellow pet store PK male with an opaque PK female just for fun next (curious as to what I'll get, since his genetic background's a mystery)... can't really go wrong since he's a plakat, and he looks to be only a few months old. I'm not sure exactly when that'll be, I know it won't be until I sell most of the fry from this spawn, because my parents think I'll want to keep them all (which I do but I know I can't). ;)
Nice size spawn. You lucked!.

Synirr wants to send me a lady. I have two of her boys. I hope to post some pics of them tonight. They are in a split tank. They are so funny and look just alike. :lol:

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