Fry Tanks


Fish Crazy
Jun 16, 2006
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Alabama, USA (ohmigosherz)
I know people have different opinions on how to set up fry tanks, and I was just wondering what is best for the fry.

I'm going to set up a 10 gallon, and want to know which is best.

Bare bottom or gravel? I have gravel in my current fry tank (a mere 1 gallon. It's all I have right now :/ ) and I don't like it very much because the newborn fry stay on the bottom at first, and I'm worried they might find a way to get stuck in between the gravel.

So, that is why I ask. Which is better in your opinion?
well bare is better because fry dont get stuck and you know what food is left behind so when you clean you dont put to much stress on the fry or kill them. but do have a plant that sinks.
hmm...well i wouldn't be worried that the fry are going to get stuck in the gravel. i've been keeping fry in a tank with gravel for years and they've never gotten stuck in it. mostly you have to worry about that if you have glass marbles or something; still, no gravel has it's advantages, mostly it just makes it easier to keep the tank clean. hope this helps :D
i keep my fry tank full of plants for them to hide in and bare bottom for ease of cleaning
i prefer to have gravel only because it looks better. my fry have never seemed to have problems with it. but i also make sure i get the smallest gravel possible because if you get the big rocks, they will get stuck. also put some snails in there, i have some of the kind that are free from the petstore because they come in with plants. the reproduce enough to where 2 of them will multiply enough to clean your tank, and they're not big enough to eat the babies sitting at the bottom (yes this has happened to me with a mystery snail). i also added a real plant in my fry tank which they seem to like. keeping floating plants at the top is a good idea also because when fry are born they like to hide on the top of the tank, which also will prevent them from hiding in the gravel. hope this helps you out! i have had some success myself with all these ways since i have 18 fry now :)
I've got 28 2-day old fry, 3 two week old fry, and 3 one month old fry (which is why I am getting the bigger tank :p). All guppies. I think I might try to find some pygmy corys so I'll probably go with a small gravel. :D
I've got 5 female guppies, 3 male guppies (yes I know the ratio is off. I recently lost a fish to unknown reasons...), 2 bronze corys, 2 peppered corys, and a betta (in a tank by himself :p). Then the 34 fry :D

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