Fry Raising Questions


Married Lizard
Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Residing in a big city in Minnesota, but I'm a cou

I'm happy to report that my eight fry are doing well and growing *fast*! One of the fry is a week old, the others are 10 days old. How often should I be feeding them? In the last day or so they've really started eating a lot. I try and keep in there for them most of time and they seem to be doing okay. Is that too much food for them? I'm feeding them finely crushed tropical flakes and they occasionally get a little bit of tubifix worm.

They're so cute! Most of them are getting black tails and fins. I hope there's some color to some of 'em, some color other than black and/or white. If not, oh well. They're still cute :) :nod: I've been taking pictures of them daily. Sometime I'll get the pics uploaded to my website.

In another week or so, I'm planning to move my two adult Platys out of the five gallon (and in to the ten gallon) and then put the fry in the five gallon tank. Will they get sucked in to the filter? I have a Whisper 2-5 filter on there, set fairly low. I'm afraid they'll get sucked in though or get lost in the tank or something. Do I need to keep them in the breeder tank longer? For how long?

Thanks everyone!

aka Lizard
They sound like there doing well. Does tubifex worms help them grow better and healiter?
I would wait another week and only put healthy ones into the tank

Frys should be fed as often as possible in very small amounts

Give them plenty of light too
Do a water change before adding the frys into the 5g tank to make sure the platy poop and stuff are mostly gone
If you think the current in the 5g will be too much, or you're just worried about the fry getting sucked into the filter, simply slip a nylon stocking over the inlet and wrap a rubber band around it to keep it in place. This will slow the filter, but not too much. The main thing to watch is that the nylon is kept clean. It will clog very quickly and should be cleaned off every couple of days.

most people will tell you 3 to 6 times a day, just what they'll eat in 3 to 5 minutes (like youre big ones). crushed up flakes is good enough, but if theyre actually eating th tubifex, thats good too. if you don't feed enough, they could die off. but remember, they may be small, but like the adults, you feed them, they poop, so be sure to clean the gravel/floor of tank youre using for the fry and do water changes. enjoy your new babies!!!!!

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