my platy had her babys today i can barley count how many please what do i feed them and when. so i have heard platy fry cant live with neons is this true?? when do i take the mom out??? please help ASAP!
I wish I could help you answer questions, but I can't. I got a platy and unexpectedly had fry 2 days later. I was only able to save one. (I saw only 2 in the tank). I just want to say congrats! You will get alot of good advice from this board as did I when I was in your position about 2 weeks ago.
I know it is true that you don't want to keep the platy fry and neons together. The neons will eat the fry.
Well, maybe I can help:
I feed the fry I have a product called "First Bites" for new born fish.
You can crush up flake food into a powder also for them to eat.
I was also told that if you hard boil an egg,(after it is cooled down ofcourse) take a bit of the yolk and mix it with a little bit of aquarium water they will eat that. But just a little since they don't eat much.
Good luck and I am sure good advice will be coming your way from other members!
Whatever you do,do not leave the neon tetras with the fry.It is advisable to keep the babies in a tank of their own but,if this is not possible,definately get rid of the neons,the parents would get used to their fry and eventually won't see them as their next meal.
gurly, the only thing i can suggest as to the babes and other fish,is to get a breeding net. its like a little mini net 'tank',quite small really but it will help keep some of your fry hangs on the side of your main tank.if you have lots of fry tho it may not be big enough. as for feeding iwould say starry has already said what you need to know....good luck and congrats pebbles