Fry Help Please!


New Member
May 20, 2008
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Hi All! I have been reading this forum for awhile and have recieved all the info I needed to keep my male and female Bettas happy :good: Apparently too happy! :hyper: I now have fry, despite the fact I never thought these two would breed. They have lived in divided tank for 2 weeks or so and then I put them together to see what would happen....they lived together ( under my watchful eye for about a week. the male made severalbubble nests but they would be destroyed shortly after. :unsure: So just as I was going to seperate them because my little girl was hiding most of the time there were eggs..... :hyper: Now I have fry ! :crazy: Soooo I have done all the proper protocol but my question is partial water much is partial and how often? They are in 10gal tank about 3/4 full. Any help would be appreciated and Netty this is all thanks to you!!! Like I needed more pets!!!LOL
For the first week, I just add a little aged water to the tank everyday...slowly. I don't take any out...I save that until week 2+. Then, when you're ready to take water out, get a piece of airline tubing, connect hard tubing to the end, cover with panty hose, and carefully suck water out into a clear jar. Inspect the jar before you throw the water out to make sure you haven't got any babies. If you do, suck them back up with a dropper and put them back in the tank.

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