Fry have shredded tails and fins...why?


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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I posted on the tropical emergency forum...but I'm not getting many replies so I decided to come here...

I've been having problems with my fry lately....I've posted a few times about them and wondering why they are dieing. Well anyways now I noticed that most of them have shredded tails and fins...what could that mean??

They are in a breeding net inside my main tank with my other fish ...which are all healthy no shredded tails at all.

The temp is always between 26-28 so they are warm enough. I feed them 3-4 times a day....crushed flakes and occasionally cut up bloodworms.

Could it be fin rot?? and if it is why don't my bigger fish have it as well?

I started off with 13 black swordtail fry and am down to 2...and right now 1 of them is dieing. I also had 23 orange swordtail fry in the same breeding net and am down to just 12.

Maybe they are just a really weak batch of fry?

Also I noticed they some are rubbing on the gravel....but they only seem to do it when I feed maybe they are just trying to stir up food? Or maybe it is the salt I added awhile ago that is bothering them? I don't think it's ich.....

when was the last time you tested your water for ammonia and nitrite elizabeth? fish will often rub or flick aggainst objects when their environment isn't normal. How often do you do water changes? Fry require cleaner water than they're parents. Fry can't handle as much as the adults can so the fries immune system weakens(from not as clean water) making them susceptible to diseaseS. Thats about the most I can assume at the moment. :unsure:
It does sound like fin rot. Main cause of that is stress.
I agree with the person above, fry are very sensitive little things and require special treatment. Most people have a separate tank for them so they can have the slightly higher temerature they require and you can also do more regualr water changes to help keep the tank clean.
Live bearers in general are more sensitive to bacteria and unclean water conditions. This makes them more prone to such things as dropsy/finrot/popeye all are bacterial related. :unsure:

maybe its time to purchase a smaller tank for your little ones :rolleyes: :thumbs: if I do have fin do I go about treating it?? Arn't fry sensitive to treatments?

I think your right...I think it's probably time I got a smaller tank just for the fry. I guess I just didn't know that they had to be looked after so much.

I do 20% water changes once a week.

I posted this in the emergency section as well...and another person said fry flick against objects also when they are really maybe it's just that. Seems like it cause they only do it when I feed them.

I guess to treat them it would be better to do it in another tank..that way you don't cause problems to your other fish.

The best type of set up for a fry tank is not much in i.e. no gravel etc. this way they are easy to keep clean. And most people don't have any filtration in there.. just a small airstone set to low, as they don't appreciate being buffeted around by currents. Plus if you keep them in a small tank about 5 UK gallons feeding them will be easier and treatments will cost less. The tank is kept clean by daily water changes and vacum clean the bottom when you change the water.

As for fry treatment I would say post a special post in the emergency section stating **How to treat fry with fin rot** and someone with more experience should help. I have never had to treat mine, so I'm not too sure how to go about it.
Adding a small amount of aquarium salt (states on side of box how much) to the water will help. Also alot of people on here swear by Melafix for helping to heal the damaged fins. Both are natural rather than chemical treatments. :thumbs: Try a special post I'm sure people will help more than I can.

Hope your little ones make it :nod:
Hi again!

Thanks for your replies! :thumbs:

I am going to try and get my hands on a small tank to raise the fry in. Littleme1969 Thanks for your info about how to set it up and everything. I'm glad that they will be happy with just an airstone as I really can't afford another filter!!

I've been reading up on fin rot and it's mostly due to poor water I was thinking of just doing more frequent water changes instead of medicating? I don't want to treat the whole tank as my other fish are prefectly fine and I don't want to mess my tank up.

Here in Sweden we don't have any medication called Melafix...where can you buy it from?? Any fish or pet store?? What about Wal-Mart? My Mom is actually in Michigan right now...and if I can figure out where she can buy it..I will ask her to ship it to me. I've heard it takes care of basically everything...and I've been trying to get my hands on it...I just haven't been able to find a website that ships internationally. A person on here gave me a website about a month ago....but the company never got back with me about shipping me some. Do any of you know of a fish/pet store on-line that ships internationally???

Snowyangel: I have pieces of plants that I have pinched of the tops of other plants ( growing too tall ) that I have inside the breeding net with the that a bad Idea? They arn't dead I wouldn't think they would be causing harm??

Please let me know :nod:

Thanks everyone!!
Hi there..
You can try here for your melafixaquatics online and I have checked they do ship abroad too ;)

But if you have family in america there is an even better antibiotic on the market there that you can't get over here called Maracyn made by Mardel labs. I have also heard great things about this for fighting off secondary infection that can find there way in when a fish in under stress with things like ich and fin rot. See if your mum can get you some of that.

But to be honest I dont think that water changes alone will cure your problem. Its more to do with how you're keeping them.. i.e. in a fry net. its ok for when they are first born, but long term its not the best option for your babies.:p
Hi again!

Plysha: I went to the website you gave me....but they charge a crazy amount for international shipping. I wanted just the master test kit and the melafix and the cheapest shipping option was 32.00. I'm just going to have to ask my Mom to go to wal-mart and she if she can find it and send me them.

She's visiting family....and I'm sending her on a mission to buy me fish products from wal-mart :lol: She's a good Mom though she wont mind...she likes Wal-mart.

I really wish I could get my hands on the Melafix here :crazy: On that website you gave me Plysha they said that the Melafix was trying to get approved for over here in Europe. It's so so frusterating not having the convience to just go out and get whatever you need. In America there is so much variety and it's so cheap!! I am originally from Michigan. It's very expensive here in Sweden!!!

I would do anything for a petsmart or petco....just to be able to buy cheap fish products!! :nod:

Well thanks for all your help...I am doing my very best trying to get my hands on the Melafix and the test kits!! It's actually keeping me awake at night....thinking too much about my poor fishies!!!
Hi dont' be losing sleep over

I live in the UK and can buy the stuff you need here and ship it over to you . As your in th EU the postage is not too bad by airmail and it should only take a few days. Let me know what you want and I will get them tomorrow ( i have to go for some stuff for my own fish) and I can ship it out to you monday. Looking at the prices on the Royalmail website postage should be around £5.00. which will be far cheaper and quicker than going from the US.

Just let me know if your interested.

p.s. a large size bottle of melafix is about £7.00
and the complete 3 in 1 test kit box is about £17.00.

Hope this helps

Nikki ;)
lol littleme1969 you took my idea lol I was going to do that to....

I know there shipping is a little way out there lol because by the time I give them the money for everything they want to ship it in I can just go to the store and buy it and have it that day..... shipping to me and I live in the USA it would be $19.00 ....
lol for My In laws living in the UK its like £80.00 to send us a small box of the things my husband has to have Cookies and his Tea!!!!! lol but for me to send a huge box with lots of things in it.... its only $23.00

"a large size bottle of melafix is about £7.00 " wow thats like $13.00 In the USA money and I thought paying $6. something for an 8 oz.bottle was bad lol
and the complete 3 in 1 test kit box is about £17.00. thats about the same but are's is $32.00

With I could help more
melafix will heal all, melafix is god! lol i love melafix :p if their tails are shredding it could be rot, sum melafix and salt will do the trick, but dont use salt if u have corys or pleco in there they hat salt -_-

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