Fry From Nowhere?!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 17, 2006
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London, Highbury
But from where did they come? They have appeared in my new planted tank that is curently cycling. There are no fish in there but today I noticed quite a few fry. about 3 to 4 mm long. No idea what they are yet as they all loko the same at that age. But could they have come from the old filter I placed into the new tank to start off the cycle? I'm worried they won't survive due to the ammonia that has been added t the tank. Anyway, I've spent over an hour scooping out most of them and they are on their way to a mate's breeding/fry tank now, so hopefully some of them will survive...
Hi JasonA :)

What kind of fish did you have in your old tank that you used the filter from? Are your plants from that tank too? :unsure:
If you bought the plants from a LFS, did the employee use a net to scoop the plants out of the tank? If he removed them by hand the fry would have scattered to fallen off, but a net would have trapped them, iv had this happen before. It is possible that they are from your filter if you have livebearing fish in the other tank, that would explain why there are so many of them. They can become sucked into the water pump and plastered to the side of the filter, circulateing water throgh the other side of the filter may have freed the little guys into your tank.
I have put the old filter medium from my cycled tank in to the new tank yes.... maybe there were in there. I'm off to the LFS to try to buy some kind of fry food and a separate box for them, otherwise the reminaing in my cyling tank will be killed by the high levels of ammonia in there :(
I have put the old filter medium from my cycled tank in to the new tank yes.... maybe there were in there. I'm off to the LFS to try to buy some kind of fry food and a separate box for them, otherwise the reminaing in my cyling tank will be killed by the high levels of ammonia in there :(

You know my LFS often keep livebearer fry in the plant tanks. Safe for them and then they don't have to worry so much about their care, since the fry have plenty of food with the microorganisms in the plant tanks. In my LFS, I see guppy fry there all the time, all fat and sassy.

Well, congratulations! JasonA, you're a new father. Enjoy your children.

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