I asked the same questions a nice time ago, U have to boiled them, And very good take the skin of or the shell and u get this little smooth egg, Then popen it and u see the yolk it should be hard get a ziplock bag, And put some water A LITTLE not even 2 drops of water scoop up the egg yolk I preffer a spoon, Put some in the bag squish it with ur hands, And get a toothpick and WALLLAAA :nod:
My dad used to feed his guppies boiled egg yoke, that was 30 years ago though!!!! There are plenty of guppie diet on the market now that wount make your water yukky like egg yoke does. Are you sure the fish are not eating? they are not usually fussy fish but they do have tiny tummys and need very small amounts of food two or three times a day. :)
If you didn't know you can buy special fry powder, Its worked fine for me and I've used it on my fry. The one I use is made by Tetra and is easier to make up than egg yolk ;)

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