Fry Food.


Feb 12, 2006
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Tampa, Florida, USA
hi again guys/gals,

my microworm culter was thrown out by my girlfriend! i ordered it and it came today and i did not have time to use it so i set it on the counter, when i got home she threw it in the trash!

tomorow they fry will be 3 days old. i have bbs cooking now and should be ready by tomorow, but i doubt they are old enough to eat it.

WHat should i feed them? its day 3 so i know they will need there first food now. i have removed the father already and the fry are doing fine, i removed him because he looked half dead and could no longer keep up the bubble nest, and was chasing the free swimming fry franticaly. he was a great father.

heres some pics of the pair, im guessing 200 fry, but some i cant tell if they are alive. they do not move, so ive added a airstone to help since i did not use a filter.

there not HM or Cts but my lfs owner is my good friend and he waid he would take all i didnt want.

and here is my pair that laid about 100 eggs today!

alot better looking to me.

ooops wrong female, the one i dont have a pic is blue with white body.

and heres a pair im putting together tomorow.

no female, but shes nice, i think shes his sibling but not sure.

and heres my new sig pic, hopefully.

boiled egg yoke, only use a small piece and mix it up in water before feeding it to them, make sure it is crumbled up really good. most will put it in a spray bottle and give the tank a squirt or two.
They'll be able to eat freshly hatched BBS, don't worry about it :)
I've started feeding BBS from the first day now and have less of a die-off than I did when I started off feeding only microworms. That might be due to other factors as well, but obviously they're eating the BBS, since they aren't dying :p
Yup, I'm with Synirr, I always use BBS from free-swimming but also plonk some microworms in so they can snack through the day if they want. Good luck with your fry :D
so how do i do the egg yolk? is there certain way? the bbs arent ready yet and i dont want to go with out feeding them till tomorow. thanks for all the replys.
so how do i do the egg yolk? is there certain way? the bbs arent ready yet and i dont want to go with out feeding them till tomorow. thanks for all the replys.

Hard boiled egg ... mix it with water and dissolve it and just put a pinch and that's it while it's going to pollute the water.
question if the male is completely ignoring the eggs and there falling to the bottom and the bubblenest is disinegrating.

what can i do? remove the male?
what about the eggs on the bottom?

check out my new pair!

mg plakat! he is huge. over 3 inches and wide. are all plakats like this?

female mg plakat


males color. a good pic of the tail

and cheak out what i fount at wallmart $3.47

and petsmart $2.19
Sorry to hear about Dad and the can try to salvage at least a few from the spawn....

Take a small plastic lid, put a little tank water in it but not enough to sink it. They use an eyedropper or other sucker to pick up the good eggs and put them in the floaty dish. Thsi will allow them to stay moist, and still get oxygen.

You will have to keep an eye out for when they hatch, keep them it it until they are 'swimming'. You might only end up with a few, and yes you can add the blue to the water, just use sparingly. You can keep the tank covered to keep the air moist and condensed, and cut down on disintigration,

Did you medicate dad and give him a meal of live foods? How old was he? There is also the possibility the eggs were infertile - did you condition them?
ya i medicated him, but he wont eat. i tryed frozen also but nothing. hes getting better but a spot on his skin is getting really dark blue. like a fungus, i think. trying to read about what it might be. dont know how lod he was, he looked older than most i have.

everything went well till after the first 12 hours of the eggs. its been 24 and i dont see any eggs hatching. my first took 36 hours.

the mom was fine shes back in the female tank now.

i owned the male for bout a month and 1 week before i put him in the spawn tank i fed him frozen, worms and hikari bio gold. he was very health before i did, he flared at everything and swam alot.

so the eggs have to be in the lid? oh wow thats going to be a long ordeal theres probably 150 eggs! let me go start.

how much blue per gallon would you say, i know for angels its 1-2 drops.

i guess i will learn as i go...
they eggs might not make it, that is a long time on the floor without access to oxygen - but I would definitely try!

Anslo, I add 2 drops per spawn tank, but more often I will use aquarisol before the spawn, in the water instead.

Is the spot under his skin or on his skin? is it near his belly? sounds more bacterial....
i woke up this morning hes dead, the eggs arnt must have been a bactiria cause it spread to at least half his body by the time he was dead. i though he would be ok since he was doing better in the melafix. so at least i have the female, she was really nice. i have started a new pair yesterday, blue Hm pair. i wont make the same mistakes this time. i have to watch more carefully. i really dont know what i did wrong. but i kind on forced the last 2 to spawn.
yeah, it was apperently a fungus or a bactiera, cause i did everything by the book. im realls mad cause this would have been a beautiful pair.

His name was Jack4 he was so blue and he was very active, never copuld get a good pic of him.
:/ sorry about your male and the eggs... lol -_-

sorry I meant to say earlier ..can you not feed fry on the liquid baby food you get for livebearers ..I seem to remember that was like eggy? just a thought for next time which I am sure will be better. :)

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