hi again guys/gals,
my microworm culter was thrown out by my girlfriend! i ordered it and it came today and i did not have time to use it so i set it on the counter, when i got home she threw it in the trash!
tomorow they fry will be 3 days old. i have bbs cooking now and should be ready by tomorow, but i doubt they are old enough to eat it.
WHat should i feed them? its day 3 so i know they will need there first food now. i have removed the father already and the fry are doing fine, i removed him because he looked half dead and could no longer keep up the bubble nest, and was chasing the free swimming fry franticaly. he was a great father.
heres some pics of the pair, im guessing 200 fry, but some i cant tell if they are alive. they do not move, so ive added a airstone to help since i did not use a filter.
there not HM or Cts but my lfs owner is my good friend and he waid he would take all i didnt want.

and here is my pair that laid about 100 eggs today!
alot better looking to me.

ooops wrong female, the one i dont have a pic is blue with white body.

and heres a pair im putting together tomorow.

no female, but shes nice, i think shes his sibling but not sure.
and heres my new sig pic, hopefully.

my microworm culter was thrown out by my girlfriend! i ordered it and it came today and i did not have time to use it so i set it on the counter, when i got home she threw it in the trash!
tomorow they fry will be 3 days old. i have bbs cooking now and should be ready by tomorow, but i doubt they are old enough to eat it.
WHat should i feed them? its day 3 so i know they will need there first food now. i have removed the father already and the fry are doing fine, i removed him because he looked half dead and could no longer keep up the bubble nest, and was chasing the free swimming fry franticaly. he was a great father.
heres some pics of the pair, im guessing 200 fry, but some i cant tell if they are alive. they do not move, so ive added a airstone to help since i did not use a filter.
there not HM or Cts but my lfs owner is my good friend and he waid he would take all i didnt want.

and here is my pair that laid about 100 eggs today!
alot better looking to me.

ooops wrong female, the one i dont have a pic is blue with white body.

and heres a pair im putting together tomorow.

no female, but shes nice, i think shes his sibling but not sure.
and heres my new sig pic, hopefully.