Fry Eaters


New Member
Jul 5, 2011
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My sister has been trying to palm off her female platys on me since last month. I aready have my own females / male group and don't want to increase my own numbers. I have a pleasant steady fry population and a trusted shop that takes them off my hands.

So what can my sister do about her fry population? Her kids have already had tantrums about giving up the fish. I was thinking of suggesting something that would eat her fry (hopefully before the kids even knew any were in there).

So what snacks on platy/molly fry, suitable for a 50-80 litre tank?

I know, what a monster fish keeper!
Cherry barbs are a good one :)

also there are a few catfish that will too.

Another option (dependent on what she has in the tank) is to grop the tank temperature to the lower end of the fish's spectrum, they will then cease breeding.

Cherry barbs are a good one :)

also there are a few catfish that will too.

Another option (dependent on what she has in the tank) is to grop the tank temperature to the lower end of the fish's spectrum, they will then cease breeding.


Those cherry barbs do look pretty. I was thinking of donating some of my rosy barbs to her, but these look to grow a little smaller.

What is a good low-end tempt? She has longtailed danio in the tank, nothing else.

Thanks a lot =)
I've never known of anyone getting a 'fry eater' to stop fry :lol:. I've heard of getting rid of the M or F's but not getting a fry eater lol.

Can she not just take the females to a shop and give them away, buy males in replacment and be done with it? (Doing this while the kids are out and hopeing they see no differnce?) ;) :lol:
22'C/72'F is a good low end, they can tolerate shorter periods below this, but I wouldn't reccomend it for their longevity.
I've never known of anyone getting a 'fry eater' to stop fry :lol:. I've heard of getting rid of the M or F's but not getting a fry eater lol.

Can she not just take the females to a shop and give them away, buy males in replacment and be done with it? (Doing this while the kids are out and hopeing they see no differnce?) ;) :lol:

Not a bad idea except the shop ones are pretty small! And her females are really pale compared to the males, but a clever lie could do it somehow.
I've had a pair of angels in with livebearers for over a year, they all get along peacefully. I've never seen any fry, and i'm pretty sure they would have dropped some in that time. Angels love a treat
There are alot of ways to kill fry... There are cruel ways, and the all mighty food chain. It depends how good of a person you are...I guess...

1 Cruel Way: Take the fry out of water.

2 Cruel Way: Put in an isolated breeding tank or anything else, and do not feed them. (This might take a couple days)


1 Nice Way: Give them to your local pet shop that will accept them.
2 Nice Way: Give to a friend as a birthday present or something.
We had a platy fry, kept it in a breeding net for a few weeks until it was a good half an inch long and looked like a real fish. Let it into the tank and .. three days later, no sign. I swear our betta hunted it down and ate it. I saw it stalking the poor thing a few times.

RIP Stephen (Fry).
My platies tend to eat their own fry, I no longer use a fry tank, so the little buggers are usually gone w/in 24 hrs of the drop. Nasty little cannibals those platies... but I love 'em... my Tiger Barbs usually snack on the fry too!


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