fry coloration


Fish Fanatic
Mar 20, 2005
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I have my first batch of fry growing up in my tank and i was wondering when they will start to get their color. They have already grown quite a bit and are beggining to take on the characteristics of adult looking fish, but they are still a dull gray color.
What fish are you talking about? Platies, guppies, other?

What colours are the parents? If the parents are dull it is likely the fry will be dull in colour as well....

As for mine, I have guppies that are still getting colours now. They seem to have their base colours but they are getting extra markings by the day. They are 4 month old and pretty much adult size.
The colouration will appear also based on what temp water you have, i have a lower temp tank so my guppies grow slower and hence just started to finally show the yellow colour now that they are 4 months, the black started to show about a month after.
they are platy fry. the mother is a sunset variatus with more yellow then orange. no clue on the dad. i have a fairly high temp tank.
My blue platies got color at about 2 months, the Mickey Mouse markings started showing at 3. My sunset variatus babies (mother is sunset variatus, dad presumably the same) were orange/yellow-bodied at 1-2 weeks, though the tail red coloration hasn't come out yet at 1-2 months.
There are a lot of variables when trying to figure out how long it will take for fry to begin to get their adult coloration. Temperature can be a factor but more important is food. Depending on what food you use color can develop as early as one or two months. I usually feed my fry newly hatched brine shrimp and they have almost complete coloration at two months of age (they just have to reach full size now!).
i feed them crushed flake food and frozen brine shrimp every other day. they have already grown alot i was just wondering about when they get color. thanks everybody
My baby platties have had color (reddish orange) from day one--even the black Mickey Mouse markings toward the tails.
Now that you mentioned it, I checked out my 2 week old fry from a different mother, and I also see mickey mouse markings, maybe they were born with them as well.
my platy fry are 2 weeks and they were born with color a pale yellow and black markings and now they are getting brighter yellow and the black is covering more of there bodies :p
yeah mine have no color at all but they are only 2 weeks old so hopefully they will start showing their colors soon. i wanna know which ones are gonna be cool colored.

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