Fry 4 Sale


New Member
Dec 2, 2006
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:D hi i'v got a bout 50 guppy fry some about 1 inch and some a bit smaller if i went to my local pet store how much money do you think i'll get for the baby guppys.Also iam waiting for the arrivel os some endler fry how much would these be worth each
depends on shop. alot of locals wont buy fish, theyll merely take them off ur hands. alot of shops cant afford to buy them all, as they will probably recieve hundreds each week.

however, try the sell forum on here. you may get lucky :)
with guppies i would just give them away
My local fish store will take them and feed them to bigger fish. :( If you'd rather them not have that fate, ask the store before handing them over or find someone who would want to raise them.
Are you saying that some people breed guppies to sell?
If they are so cheap then surely Mollies or Swordtails in one tank (thats one couple in one tank will eventually pay dividens.

Sorry if sounds cruel but what's the point of raising Hundreds of Guppy, Mollies etc just to have to pass them on for Nothing?

I am very new so excuse the enquiry but i can only presume its done to make money surely

What's the going rate for a Guppy......Molly......Swordtail?

Interested to Know, I would not sell for bait but if someone in the future gets pleasure in them then everyone is the winner....No harm done. :good:
To answer your question Tiger, most people who breed guppies do it to show them. Breeders produce beautiful new strains of guppies to show and win prizes and such. They also sell their pretty guppies for a hefty price. Check out Aquabid's selection on breeders selling guppies: Cha-ching! There aren't many breeders who sell to fish stores; the majority of guppies in fish stores comes from those big fish suppliers who sell fish by the thousand to stores to sell.

I'm not sure if I know any swordtail or molly breeders who do nothing but breed them. They aren't shown like guppies.

Does that answer it? :D
Why Thankyou from Baltimore.

Yes its answered it perfectly....Happy new year to you guys over there :D
No livbearing fish really sell for any kind of outragious profit. You've got your rarer tail types and variations among the common livebearers that might fetch a little somthing, but you'll be lucky if its anything at all. Your lfs might take your fry for a little store credit if your lucky, but most places dont trust adding some werid stock to their tanks (not that there is anything wrong with your fish.) This is simply because they can order those exact same fish in massive bulk from over seas for a fraction of what you might want to sell yours for. Being a breeder in the US of non food fish is very tough because of this, and in the end it is not a profitable means of imcome. Iv raised guppys and bettas alike for many years now, and i can easily say that unless your fish are the second comeing of Christ, the fish will never venture past a hobby.
I guess that says it all.

If i was implying that i wanted to make it a business i am sorry its just that i wondered what and where all those newborns must go.
Its a marvellous hobby and that is good enough for me. :rolleyes:

Happy New year to you all.
Tiger ~ A lot of people just end up having Guppy fry too. They don't breed them on purpose, it just happens when you have males and females. Heck, even just females. Most people can't home them all, so they try to make a little profit, even just to cover their food for one day. As chibi mentioned, breeders are doing it for a purpose, and they mass produce the "fancier" ones.

Most fish stores won't buy common Livebearer fry, or even give you store credit. Though I did find a store where I got $1 per Guppy. You all can hate me now. :p
The store I work for will take guppies as donations (to sell, not feed), and buy (cash or credit, seller's choice) any common livebearers EXCEPT guppies "at cost"--i.e. the same price we'd pay for the fish at a wholesaler, which generally averages about .50-.70 for platies, swords, and common mollies, and a little more for fancy swords, sailfin mollies, and Endler's.

For some reason, guppies raised by the casual hobbyist seem to be more fragile and more likely to be disease vectors than any other common hobbyist-raised livebearer--they're more likely to bring disease in, and they're more likely to catch something that had been residual in a tank. We used to buy guppies, but no matter what we did they were more trouble than they were worth, so now we take hobbyist guppies as donations only. More than once, we've had the same person bring in guppies and platies at the same time, that grew up in the same tank, and go into the same store tank, and the guppies all take ill and die while the platies thrive. My personal theory has to do with the extreme inbreeding in a lot of fancy guppy lines at this point in the hobby, as to why they seem weaker than the other "fab four" livebearers, but I don't know for sure.

We keep a couple tanks unofficiallly "set aside" for hobbyist fish and don't generally mix them with the fish we buy from the wholesalers. That way, all the animals are less likely to take ill (being exposed to things that were present in a mass breeder/wholesaler tank that were not in a private tank, and the other way around), and we can truthfully say "all the animals in this tank were bred by local hobbyists", which some people prefer to buy than fish from a wholesaler.
Its possibly due to the fact that if you buy a male and female livebearer from the same shop at the same time from the same tank they are most likely brother and sister, making their fry weaker. Maybe wrong but Its a guess. livebearers only sell for £1.50-£2.50 each when i've seen them so i can't see any fish shop paying more than25p each.

Seen quite a lot on ebay though.

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