Frustrated With Minibows And Bettas


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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Erg....can someone help me?
I have 2 minibows. A 5G and a 2.5G. I want to divide both of them, the 5G for 2 males, and the 2.5 for 2 females.
I bought the 2 tanks, and they didn't come with a divider.
Now, that I want to devided them, I can't find a divider anywhere! Anywhere!
I've looked in petco, walmart, and 2 of my many LFS.
I really need a divider! Does anyone know where I can purchase minibowl parts, or just the divider?? Online?
There has to be one somewhere....and since minibow has its 'unique' bowl front design, I can't make one custom that looks good.
Oh yeah, it has to look decent. These tanks are going to hold my favorite, so it has to be showy.
Thanks for any help.
Interesting that you should pose this question.... i have the 5 gallon, minibow. It did Not come with a divider, but in my petco I see that the 2.5 DoES come with one, and even has a little notch cut into the rim, for it.
Because of the bowfront design, i have not figured out how to divide my 5 gallon either. Do you have a petco ? They have divideers for the 2.5. Tell what you find.
Where you from?
I'm going to call tomorrow and see if maybe I missed them.
But, does anyone know if/where they can be purchesed online??
Just use plastic canvas cut to size! The bowfront design shouldn't make this any more difficult than dividing a normal tank, just measure the distance from back to front in the exact location you want to place the divider.
Hmhmhm..I'm not a arts and crafts kinda person...(I got a c+, and I always thought art was an easy class to pass!)..I think I'd have to buy so many canvas things that I could've bought a store bought one for the same price, maybe cheaper..
No, they have nothing.
A person on another betta forum just told me she'd send me her 2.5 divider, so thats nice.
Now I just need to find out where I can get a 5G one..
Um, did you get the dimensions of her tank? Cause what if they are different sizes? :/
The 5 gallon mini-bows do not come with a divider, they were never intended to be divided, only the 2.5 gallons. You'll have to make your own divider for the 5 gallon.
Snap, Ok.

OA, all minibow 2.5Gs are exactly the same, the only differ is color! :D
I know, but I've had cases were I had to buy an extra part for something. But then it never fit, and it was intended for that item!
Strange you mention this because when I got my 2.5g it didn't come with one even though on there website it says it comes with one. Thats why I have to go to walmart today to get some plastic canvas. :grr:
I hate the plastic canvas, it makes the tank look so un-neat, but I have to use it, unless I want dead bettas... :crazy:
I just bought 4 canvas thingys.....where do I go from here?

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