Fruit tetras spawned will eggs hatch

El chapo

Fish Fanatic
Oct 20, 2018
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Since fruit tetras are dyed or whatnot can they reproduce and if so what will the offspring look like
There are Glofish that include white skirt/ widow tetras that can breed and pass their genes on. But there are also fish that are physically painted and the paint eventually comes off. These fish can also breed.

If you post a picture of the fish we can tell you whether they are the genetically modified fish or the hand painted versions.
There are Glofish that include white skirt/ widow tetras that can breed and pass their genes on. But there are also fish that are physically painted and the paint eventually comes off. These fish can also breed.

If you post a picture of the fish we can tell you whether they are the genetically modified fish or the hand painted versions.
According to what I've read there called mixed fruit tetras and there supposedly dyed with an injection or something , they look like the pic fishperson100 posted but with a reddish color along the lateral line
Genuine Glofish can be seen at the following link. They have a jellyfish gene added to them and are naturally coloured due to the gene.

If they have a coloured line on their body, then they are either painted or injected. Most places use paint and have a kid with a paint brush painting lines on the fish. The paint eventually wears off and you end up with a normal skirt tetra that is either a black or white version.

Either way if they have produced fertile eggs, the eggs will hatch and you will have baby tetras. The eggs are sensitive to light and should be kept in the dark. The babies are small when they hatch and you normally use infusoria or green water to feed them during the first few weeks. You can also buy "Fry Food for Egg Layers" from pet shops, or use a boiled egg.

You hard boil an egg and remove the shell and white bit. Push the yellow yolk through a handkerchief, into a small container of dechlorinated water. Put a lid on the container and shake it up. Then use an eye dropper to suck some of the solution out and add it to the fry tank. Do this several times a day and after a week or so you can start adding newly hatched brineshrimp. You can buy brineshrimp eggs from pet shops or online.

There is more information about egg yolk, brineshrimp eggs and feeding baby fish at the following link.
Genuine Glofish can be seen at the following link. They have a jellyfish gene added to them and are naturally coloured due to the gene.

If they have a coloured line on their body, then they are either painted or injected. Most places use paint and have a kid with a paint brush painting lines on the fish. The paint eventually wears off and you end up with a normal skirt tetra that is either a black or white version.

Either way if they have produced fertile eggs, the eggs will hatch and you will have baby tetras. The eggs are sensitive to light and should be kept in the dark. The babies are small when they hatch and you normally use infusoria or green water to feed them during the first few weeks. You can also buy "Fry Food for Egg Layers" from pet shops, or use a boiled egg.

You hard boil an egg and remove the shell and white bit. Push the yellow yolk through a handkerchief, into a small container of dechlorinated water. Put a lid on the container and shake it up. Then use an eye dropper to suck some of the solution out and add it to the fry tank. Do this several times a day and after a week or so you can start adding newly hatched brineshrimp. You can buy brineshrimp eggs from pet shops or online.

There is more information about egg yolk, brineshrimp eggs and feeding baby fish at the following link.
The spawned in my 55 gallon community tank and I was only able to retrieve two eggs and put them in a separate container and can't really use an egg my parents would obliterate me for doing that so would freeze dried bloodworms work if I grinded them up
freeze dried food is unlikely to work.

If there is only two I wouldn't worry about it and just see if they hatch. If they do you can put a heap of plants in the container with them and there might be enough infusoria on the plants to keep 2 fry alive.

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