Frozen Foods

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Professor Beaker
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
So I bought my fish some frozen treats for a dietary suppliment, bloodworms and brineshrimp. But heres my question, do I just toss in a cube frozen, or do I thaw it first? I've never fed frozen foods before so :unsure:
I let mine defrost in an old cup first. I put a bit of tank water in there and thaw out the food in that... When it's thawed I just pour it in.

Good luck ;)
I jut normally put the cube in without letting it defrost, but then as soon as I take it from the freezer I can feel it melting anyway :)
I put the frozen food on a napkin/paper towel and let it sit out for a bit. Then after a while when I remember I have defrosted food sitting out :hyper:, I drop it in.
I defrost in a cup with clean,dechlorinated water (I always have buckets of that sitting around) and then,after it's defrosted, I swish it around,let the food settle and then pour out that nasty water first,before giving it to the fish. Especially with bloodworms but especially with brine.
Hi SkiFletch :)

With the fish you have, be very careful not to over feed them. Frozen foods do not last very long in the tank and if they are not completely eaten will rapidly decompose.

Why not look for live blackworms or tubifex worms? They are excellent nutrition and your fish will love them. Just be certain to rinse them thoroughly, in cold water, when you first bring them home and again each day you have them.

IMHO, there is nothing better to feed meat eating fish. :D
Well i usually just drop a cube in too, partly defrosted on the side, but not fully, and who ever said that Silver Dollars are vegetarians should come round to my house, and watch them eating bloodworms lol :lol: :lol: They go Crazy for them, i cant believe how many they actually fit in there mouths, they are very greedy lol :lol:

C x
Place the frozen cube in a fine mesh aquarium net and place the net under a running tap until the foodstuff is defrosted then dip the net in the tank or feed using tweezers.
Place the frozen cube in a fine mesh aquarium net and place the net under a running tap until the foodstuff is defrosted then dip the net in the tank or feed using tweezers.
Tweesers?? Wow! Do your fish take the food from them or do you just drop it in??
Tweesers?? Wow! Do your fish take the food from them or do you just drop it in??
I carefully float bloodworm on the water surface (using the surface tension) to feed my marble hatchets.
I would be there all day with tweezers lol, i will definately do the defrosting in the net under the water though, good idea ;) But then i will just drop all the worms in.... :D

C x
ive allways just dropped cube in too seems to be ok :p
It's very easy to overfeed frozen foods. I thaw it first with tank water in a small glass cup and try to avoid putting too much of the water back into the tank. I add it a little bit at a time with a syringe and watch to make sure it all gets eaten. Uneaten frozen foods like bloodworm or brine shrimp can foul your water pretty quickly.
Well, I defrosted the brineshrimp in a shot glass and then dropped it in there. The guppies especially went wild over it, and the cardinals had a field day as well. They had the whole cube gobbled up in about a minute :drool:

Thanks for the help and tips :)
Well, I defrosted the brineshrimp in a shot glass and then dropped it in there. The guppies especially went wild over it, and the cardinals had a field day as well. They had the whole cube gobbled up in about a minute :drool:

Thanks for the help and tips :)

Nice to here it :) I tell you what is entertaining... Live foods. Next time you're at the LFS buy some live bloodworm or brineys. Amazingly fun to watch ;)

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