Frozen Food


Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2008
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does anyone use stictly frozen food?it seems to me that frozen food is least where i live.i just want to find out the good and the bad.
Good for fish
Nice Variety
Gives different minerals etc to the fish
Provides a more natural diet

Costs more then pellets/flake
Harder to store
I feed a wide variety of frozen and dehydrated foods, also fresh veggies! My fish all seem healthy and happy.
i started giving my fish frozen daphnia about a month ago and they loved it,about two weeks ago i started giving them frozen blood worms and yesterday i introduced them to frozen brine shrimp.iv'e pretty much gotten away from flake foods.i still give them freeze dried tubifex worms in cube form but i'm thinking of switching to i said,where i live frozen seems to be cheaper and my fish seem pretty happy.
My fish like the frozen foods best I think. But they also love freeze dried tubifex worms!!
pros of frozen fish foods
1. provides a varied diet when fed in conjunction with dried foods
2. high in protein
3. more natural and more fresh
4. even finicky eaters will readily eat them
5. last a good while in the freezer

1. can't feed them all the time; use as a treat (frozen bbs is an exception, i suppose)
2. can be hard to divide the cube if you have very little fish
3. storage takes up room in freezer
4. can give the water surface an oily film
5. generally more expensive than dried foods
of the things you mentioned,only number 4 concerns me.since iv'e been giving my fish frozen food my tanks seem a little cloudier than they did before.nothing serious but that's why i posted this thread,for the pros and cons.
60 gal,2 clown loaches,2 blue loaches,a pair of swordtails,1 turquoise gourami,1 dwarf gourami,2 female kribs and a senegal bichir.30 gal,3 mollies,a pair of german rams,a fire belly newt,2 rubber lip plecs,2 angelic loaches and a horse face loach.sorry it took so long to respond.
I used to feed my mixed cichlid tank, a mix of frozen foods, in the belief it was the best food for them. I used to buy in 80/100 blister packs a time! It was certainly expensive stuff!

However having had two tanks 'fiance's and mine' feeding one with flake and one just frozen food, I notice the fish feeding on flake, grew a lot faster. You should not under estimate flake, it is actually full of good stuff for fish, unless you buy some of the cheap nasty stuff online. I use King British but there are other good makes out there.

Nowadays, I feed so much frozen food, then a top off of flake.
what kinds of frozen and flakes do you use?oh yeah,i left off my chocolate gourami on my 30 gal list.
I keep Discus fish along some other smaller Tetras etc. I try to use frozen food in strict moderation. Instead feeding Discus Bits, Flake Food and Tetra Prima. I do feed some frozen bloodworm's at times for a change (which they go ballistic for). But I don't want my discus to start turning there noses up at granule and flake foods. So I'm very careful about frozen foods, so they don't become dependant on it.
If you are feeding frozen cubes of bloodworms, it's best not to just put the whole cube into the tank. Dissolve the cube in a little cup that has a small amount of tank water in it - then once the bloodworms are defrosted and not clumped together (only takes a few mins) you can then feed a pinch at a time (I use a pair of tweezers for this) - this way it avoids over-feeding/polluting your tank with wasted food and bloodied water.

I have three tanks (two small severums, red-tailed shark and female betta in the largest, a rainbow shark, guppy and 2 ADFs in another and a single male Betta in the smallest tank) - just one cube of bloodworms will feed all the fish, with usually a small amount left over for a later feed.

I also vary their diet by using Algae Wafers, flake food, live brine shrimp (manily for the severums), frozen daphnia, crushed peas etc.

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