Frozen Food Question


Fish Crazy
Jul 12, 2007
Reaction score
Bloomsburg pa
I fed my fish some Hikari frozen brine shrimp that comes in the small cubes aprox. 20 or so per package, well I fed one to my fish yesterday and left the rest on the counter for a few hr. would it be O.K. to use again after refreezing? It was put in the freezer about 3 hr. after being left out.
I fed my fish some Hikari frozen brine shrimp that comes in the small cubes aprox. 20 or so per package, well I fed one to my fish yesterday and left the rest on the counter for a few hr. would it be O.K. to use again after refreezing? It was put in the freezer about 3 hr. after being left out.
if the same applies to fish food as human food I'd say no - defrosting then refreezing food gives bacteria excellent opportunities to breed, so you could make your fish ill (just like if you ate refrozen chicken you'd make yourself ill!)
I'm guessing refreezing isn't such a good idea as usually on human food it advices not to.
Sometimes I defrosted a cube, use half, and keep the remainder in the fridge over night and use it again the next day and I've never had any problems with this.
Hi, you should never refreeze any food whether for human or animal use.

I keep my frozen in a tupperware container along with a sharp knife. (Marked for fish use only) I then cut a chunk while still frozen and float it in a small dish of tank water to defrost before adding to the tank.
I do just what Gremily does, but keep it for 2 days in the fridge. I make my own food mix using a cube of brine shrimp, a cube of angel/butterfly mix and a small peice of frozen cyclopeeze. I thaw this slowly in the fridge and feed that day and the next 2 days. I would not refreeze after though, dunno why lol.

who knows how often Frozen Food has thawed and then been frozen during shipment to the LFS, i bet it happens all the time and for longer than 1 hr!
who knows how often Frozen Food has thawed and then been frozen during shipment to the LFS, i bet it happens all the time and for longer than 1 hr!
thats possibly true, although when we can transport human frozen food so easily I dont see why it should be allowed to happen! even if it is true, that's no reason to introduce the additional risk - in this case you know its been thawed and refrozen!

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