frontosa tank


Fish Addict
May 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hi all, (especially cichlidaddict and freshmike)

I have my heart set on converting my 75g tank into a frontosa tank. I am currently reading a lot into this, and have got in touch with a fairly local breeder (who was featured in PFK). He says that he has quite a lot of young 1.5-2" ikola, Zambian blue, Nangu Burundi, Yellow Dorsal and Kigoma 7 stripe and also has a large group(as in big fish 1m 3 f ) of breeding wild Zaire's for sale.

I have read variuos articles (and previous threads) saying that it is best to start with a large young group collected from different sources, until after a couple of years you end up with a breeding group, or would you suggest starting with a breeding trio like he has for sale? Also are there any big differences in these types apart from looks?

In the long term is a 1m 3f combination about right for a tank this size? I already have a fair bit of bogwood in there, and would get a load of rocks for them too.

any info much appreciated.


thanks for the info fishghost.

If I had 1m and 3f, 75g would be enough room for them?

I would have a few bottom feeders in there too.

Jumpman, as fishghost alrady stated a 75 gallon just doesn't cut it. Yes, you can start them off in it, but eventually you will need a big upgrade. Males can be abusive toward females, and there is no room for them to go in such a small tank. 75 gallon sounds big at first, but trust me, when it comes to fish like Fronts it becomes a very small space quickly. I highly recommend you find fish more suitable to this aquarium.
I'll also chime in and say no to the 75, I have 8 in a 120 and the plans of at least a 200 (if not a huge pond!) are already in the works ;)
Oh no guys!! Don't get me thinking about a larger tank!! Maybe in a few years I can plan on a bigger tank then. Will get Fronts one day, maybe when I get my own house B) . We can all dream eh?

Thanks for the advice though, I will just have to make other plans for the 75g. Now I have to get my thinking cap on again!!


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