hughessomefish Fish Addict Joined Jul 22, 2009 Messages 898 Reaction score 0 Location United States Sep 26, 2009 #1 i am from the livebearers section.can some one give me a few good kinds of corys that would be compatible with my livebears?
i am from the livebearers section.can some one give me a few good kinds of corys that would be compatible with my livebears?
tropic_john Fish Herder Joined May 18, 2009 Messages 1,213 Reaction score 0 Location Coventry, U.K Sep 26, 2009 #2 most cories really. c.schwarzii [look awesome in black morph], c.julii
Nick16 Fish Aficionado Joined Jul 31, 2008 Messages 3,184 Reaction score 2 Location Surrey Sep 26, 2009 #3 C.Julii are very hard to come by, often shops advertise corries as c.julii but 99% of the time they are not. stick with bronze corries, pandas etc.
C.Julii are very hard to come by, often shops advertise corries as c.julii but 99% of the time they are not. stick with bronze corries, pandas etc.
helterskelter Livebearer Specilest Joined Nov 12, 2006 Messages 6,270 Reaction score 13 Location GB Sep 26, 2009 #4 yes almost any cory will be fine with all livebearers, just look for something u like the look of.
kelly528 Fishaholic Joined Aug 17, 2009 Messages 662 Reaction score 0 Location Vancouver, Canada Sep 29, 2009 #5 I have pygmy cories with my endlers... miniature cories for miniature guppies lol. They get alond pretty well. They're the same size too. Since neither of the species eat fry I am going to try and induce breeding once they have settled in.
I have pygmy cories with my endlers... miniature cories for miniature guppies lol. They get alond pretty well. They're the same size too. Since neither of the species eat fry I am going to try and induce breeding once they have settled in.
Harlequins ***Corydora Crazy*** Joined Jul 4, 2009 Messages 5,227 Reaction score 10 Location Bristol UK Sep 29, 2009 #6 I bought supposely c julii but here the good experts id them has c trillineanus