Hi guys its been a while since I last posted on here and a lot has happened since.
I went away for 4 weeks due to work purposes with my tank all healthy and thriving and gave my 2 younger brothers instructions with regards to feeding, topping up fresh RO and even doing a water change with water that I had already mixed to make life easier for them. Both seemed confident as to what needed doing and said they would sort things between them...
Anyways to cut a long story short neither of them comunicated with each other so fish went several days without food as both borthers assumed the other had fed the fish and when they did decide to feed the fish, again with the lack of communication they overfed them!!!!
So... my fish caught whitespot and all but 3 died!!!!

also upon return almost a month ago I found my tank absolutely covered in red slime algae and a lot of my corals looking worst for wear! It loked like my tank had alomost been nuked! what a waste of money and effort that i had put into into!!!
The fish I had remaining were the Yellow Tang, Firefish and PJ Cardinal... bless them, survivors till the very end.... got to admit them fish must be TOUUUGH man!lol
Like I say this was almost a month ago when I came back so after doing water tests I found nitrates to be skyhigh and so started doing daily water changes till they were brought back down to what they should be over a week or so. This kind of helped solve a bit of the algae problem but still have red slime algae on the sandbed... I think the tank could do with with increased waterflow to this area so I am currently in the process of getting another Koralia 1 pump alon with some Rowaphos.
Then came time to re-stock again so I kept my eye open at the lfs and surely enough 2 weeks ago I spotted a couple of fish i really liked and so ended up buying them together on the same day although I was only looking to get one but the oppurtuinty was too good to miss... so drum roll please... I end up buying an absolutely stunning scotts fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus scottorum)... I believe it to originate from Cook Islands and it is by far one of the most colourful fish I have ever seen.... along with an absolutely stunning Red Velvet Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis)... Both wrasse were by far the best examples of either fish that I have personally come across, so bright and vibrant.
Once introduced in the tank both fish had a bit of a 'flashing' session at each other and then decided to call it quits and have got along just fine since then with both having kept most of the bright colourings that they had in the lfs
Half way through last week I visted the lfs and bought myself 2 small clownfish, both false percs... one being black and white and the other being the common type and introduced them into the tank and again both fish seem to getting along just fine!!!
One final bit of bad news however, at the same time as buying the clownfish I bought a stunning little cherub angel but as soon as it enetered the tank the yellow tang set upon it like a psycho and just wouldn't stop nipping at it and 'slapping' it with it's tail! initially i tried to interviene with a net to scare the tang but as soon as i moved away it continued its assult cornering the angel into a corner of the tank where it remained. I decided to leave them to sort out the dispute and hopefully should be over and done with by morning.... how wrong i was... poor cherub angel didnt stand a chance and the following afternoon I found
it dead in the same corner being 'carried' by the boxer shrimp who I'm sure was trying to eat it! Anyways I pulled it out and gave it a proper fish buriel (in the toilet)

little guy
Anyways thats enough of me waffling for now.... so rant over!!! lol