***Corydora Crazy***
Thanks everyone
I wanted to make my cories happy with sand,and they adore it,especially the skunks,i can watch them for hours,sifting through the sand,you can actually see it coming back out through their gills has they plough through it,which i never realised they did until i read up on it
There's plenty of hidey holes and yet plenty of space for me to see them
Strangely enough i find it easier to clean the sand than i did with the gravel
I wanted to make my cories happy with sand,and they adore it,especially the skunks,i can watch them for hours,sifting through the sand,you can actually see it coming back out through their gills has they plough through it,which i never realised they did until i read up on it
There's plenty of hidey holes and yet plenty of space for me to see them
Strangely enough i find it easier to clean the sand than i did with the gravel