I think the overall look of sand is much better. Stops so much reflection glare off the gravel and you really get to see the true colours of the fish. Good job, looks awesome!
My tank is a Rena 4ft long x 15 x 18 high
I original bought 1 bag of 15kg argos playsand,but it needed more so i've got another bag,so i reckon about 18kg of sand was used
i dont like your tank but i appreciate the fact you chose a standard yellow sand instead of the often used white one. i find the yellow a lot more natural for a freshwater tank. i unfortunately went with a near white shade, perhaps trying to imitate a coral reef or something, but regret it somewhat.
I think that looks a lot better indeed, though the fake plants and how they're placed isn't very natural, I'd say you could do with a lot more of them and not in such straight lines either.
The cories must be loving snuffling through all the sand though!
I have sand in my new 10-gallon but it's like two inches deep in some places and I'm not quite sure what to do with it. However, as it's all settled and stuffs I don't wanna fidget with it.
I like the way the plants are placed. Also loved your fish.
Umm.... Are your fish, like, gigantic or something, or are the cories really small?!
I thionk the sand pics look really good - better than the gravel.
But does it take more maintenance to keep clean ?
I went with gravel for that reason.