From Fish To Terrapins, Transformers...

Wow, I am amazed, my mother has actually gone with the Pond plans as long as I dont go on about it and ask her for any help. I have to do it by myself with a few helping hands as long as they arnt my mums.

So now I need a pond plan I was thinking about 8'x4'x4' this will start being build in august so I can put the Terrapins in, in March when the wether isnt so harsh.
Pond sounds like a good idea to be honest, just make sure its nice and deep so they can hibernate. If you are going to let them hibernate make sure they are fully mature (adult size) as alot will not survive otherwise.
The yellow bellied slider will actually grow to around 11" if female and 8" if male, and they can grow bigger. I would stay away from getting any more just yet until you have a nice big tank for them
Big filtration is also a must, you have to have at least double the recommended filter power for that tank. For example a filter which advertises for a 100 gallon tank should only be used on a 50 gallon tank if for turtles. The provided estimates are for fish, and turtles are alot more messy (you will see this when they poop)
Other than that, provide good strong UVB (higher the better) and a basking spot and they should be fine

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