From 65 To 12 In Three Weeks.


Ohai dere c:
Apr 4, 2011
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Well, lets just say that about 3 weeks ago there were about 65 fry in the tank i was keeping them in. I have been doing 10% water changes and didnt suck any up at all (i had a bucket underneath the airline hose i was using as a siphon tube just incase i did). Now there are just 12 of them left and they are now swimming happily* around in a big 48 ltr tank compared to their old 12 ltr one.(* except for one which has a deformity due to inbreeding and now has a neck bent to the right at bout 10-15 degrees just behind the head as you look at him from the top of the tank, he is also failing to stay upright and has almost given up except for the odd occasional flick of his tail, soon, i think there will be just 11 out of the 120 eggs i put in there that are still alive but i hope out of all hope that this does not happen and he pulls through against all the odds)

The tank i have them in now is unfiltered until they get to be a fair amount bigger and stronger as at the moment they would just be sucked in and blitzed or caught in the current and be killed as they are flung into the far wall of the tank (however they did manage to survive being sucked along a 2 metre bit of airline tubing into a bucket which was then gently poured out into the 48 ltr tank)

I still find it amazing that nature can be so kind and loving and yet so hateful and sinful (but then as a satanist, i can't really talk about being 'sinful') as to leave but 10% of them left. But i think in a way that i should be thanking nature (because think about it, what are you going to do with 120 goldfish eh?)

I dragged out 106 little bodies from the blanket weed put in there to give them some food (a medium sized clump about 10 cm) and buried them all beside my orange/black koi (jaffa who died naturally of old age at 43 years old). Bless their 117 little souls, i wish the nothing but clear water and plenty of fish food for the afterlife ahead of them.

R.I.P little ones R.I.P


Hi blubble
You should be using sponge filters in your tank that has any fry in it as these filters will cause no harm to the fry in that there is no suction or current to harm them
Hi blubble
You should be using sponge filters in your tank that has any fry in it as these filters will cause no harm to the fry in that there is no suction or current to harm them

so like sponges attached to stones sunk to the bottom or summin like that?
Hi blubble
Sponge filters work from an air pump with an airline going from the pump to an inlet on the sponge filter.
Go on to ebay and type in sponge filters and you will see different types and sizes depending on tank volumes :rolleyes:
There are now 11. His crooked little body was floating at the top of the tank he wasnt moving even when i touched him.

He has now joined the unnamed hundreds,

R.I.P little one R.I.P


Why do i cry so easily?

Bless his soul. :sad:
Hi blubble
Sponge filters work from an air pump with an airline going from the pump to an inlet on the sponge filter.
Go on to ebay and type in sponge filters and you will see different types and sizes depending on tank volumes :rolleyes:

Oh those, saw one in pets at home. Would get it if my dad would allow me to. Is that the reason why they died off then?
count now stands back at 12 after one more was found. that explains the 1 missing out of 106 dead and 11 alive. :)
Hi blubble
Sponge filters work from an air pump with an airline going from the pump to an inlet on the sponge filter.
Go on to ebay and type in sponge filters and you will see different types and sizes depending on tank volumes :rolleyes:

Oh those, saw one in pets at home. Would get it if my dad would allow me to. Is that the reason why they died off then?

Hi blubble
There may be a few reasons why all your fry are dying off,water conditions,what your feeding them on.
The reason i mentioned a sponge filter is because you were saying they were getting sucked into your filter or knocked about with the output of the filter and the best filters if you have fry are the sponge filters
Hi blubble
Sponge filters work from an air pump with an airline going from the pump to an inlet on the sponge filter.
Go on to ebay and type in sponge filters and you will see different types and sizes depending on tank volumes :rolleyes:

Oh those, saw one in pets at home. Would get it if my dad would allow me to. Is that the reason why they died off then?

Hi blubble
There may be a few reasons why all your fry are dying off,water conditions,what your feeding them on.
The reason i mentioned a sponge filter is because you were saying they were getting sucked into your filter or knocked about with the output of the filter and the best filters if you have fry are the sponge filters

i havent put a filter in there because i knew that would happen. i am feeding them tiny live daphnia and macroscopicly crushed flakes so food is not an issut. neither is water quality as i regularly do 10% water changes.
with no filter, 10% water changes might not be enough. something is obviously killing them, i think 11 left from over a hundred is a very good indication something is wrong somewhere.
om thanks crazy,will start doing 20% intsead of 10% every 2 days noe until they are big enough not so get sucked in by the filter.

There are now 9. they died from swimbladder issues.

Nature takes it's terrible course again
Nature really doesn't have a lot to do with it, as they are artificially housed. What are the stats of your water, using a liquid test kit? I'm with Airborne in that I don't think small water changes are enough. And if you simply put something over the intake on the filter like a piece of nylon stocking they won't get sucked up.
stats are:

Ammonia 1ppm
Nitrate 3ppm
Nitrite 0ppm (lots of plants to mop this up)

Will try the stocking thing.
stats are:

Ammonia 1ppm
Nitrate 3ppm
Nitrite 0ppm (lots of plants to mop this up)

Will try the stocking thing.

That's why your fry are dying.

10% every other day is obviously not enough - I believe that other fry raisers on here, even with filters, do 60%+ water changes daily, so maybe you should try a sponge filter and upping your water changes to minimum 50% daily. In the meantime, a near-as-100%-as-you-can-possibly-manage water change will bring that ammonia reading down to 0, which is where it should be anyway, but definitely should be when raising fry :) :good:

Hope that helps a bit! :)
stats are:

Ammonia 1ppm
Nitrate 3ppm
Nitrite 0ppm (lots of plants to mop this up)

Will try the stocking thing.

That's why your fry are dying.

10% every other day is obviously not enough - I believe that other fry raisers on here, even with filters, do 60%+ water changes daily, so maybe you should try a sponge filter and upping your water changes to minimum 50% daily. In the meantime, a near-as-100%-as-you-can-possibly-manage water change will bring that ammonia reading down to 0, which is where it should be anyway, but definitely should be when raising fry :) :good:

Hope that helps a bit! :)


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