Hello there,i finally feel at peace now that i understand my numbers,so it makes me feel like im doing something right and on the right track thank you so much for all the wonderful advice,and for taking the time to keep helping me out,i definitly don't feel alone now that i found this forum.Its nice to get evryones advice.My fish seem so happy and i havent lost a fish yet and i think im on 5 weeks with starting over on cycling again.They definitly love the millions of bubbles at the back of the tank they swin through it and up and down,i love watching them,definitly a busy tank!!I am so glad that i can be at home to always keep an eye on my water levels so i can get to it immetiatly,drives my husband crazy sometimes.lol.Sodo u think i could be close to a cycled tank or am i dreaming.You don't need to be worrying about nitrate(NO3) during all this water changing. Your only concern is ammonia and nitrite(NO2) and you can use the kits you have (liquid, right?) and just aim for something lighter than the 0.6 (=0.60) concentration and the 0.30 indication in your kit is the same thing as the 0.25 I was quoting.
So, like last night, there will be times when your water changes manage to get ammonia down to zero and keep it there for a bit. That's good. But nitrite(NO2), as you're seeing, is harder. It will probably be the poison that continues to give you the most trouble for the greatest time period. The reason is that a lot more of it gets created.
For each 1ppm that the ammonia processing bacteria convert, 2.7ppm of nitrite(NO2) is passed on to the nitrite processing bacteria. So much bigger colonies of nitrite processors (we call them N-Bacs for short) must grow in the biomedia before all this gets processed.
Keep up the good work. You've obviously got the right idea now. You will never forget the lesson of the biofilter after something like this.
Thank you again and i will keep u updated,and no i will never ever forget lesson of the biofilter.Take care talk to u soon.