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Jo and Gra

Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
The UK...Essex!!!
Any advice gretly received!!

Looked at the albino frogs etc, wondered if they will suit a friedly community??

Special needs?

it depends on wither they are
dwarf frogs
clawed frogs

ask a mod if u can move this to the anphibian bit you might get more help there :D
my mate has two albino custard frogs in a community aquarium and they are fine, they are about3 or 4 inches and are quite big
There are no such thing as albino african dwarf frogs (and even if there are, they would be VERY VERY rare) so the albino frogs you were looking at are african clawed frogs. They are not too be kept with other fish because they will eat them, and they need roughly 10 gallons each.
Here's a link that might be good (haven't read it yet):
the albino frogs are African Clawed Frogs and are completely unsuited for the typical community aquarium. ACF are piscavorous (meaning they eat fish) and will even cannibalize each other should one grow even slightly larger. ACF grow quite largequite quickly and can easily eat 2 inch fish when fully grown. Also, they are called Clawed Frogs for a reason! In short, do not keep ACF with anything you don't want potentially eaten or mauled.
Michael, what are albino custard frogs? I did a google search on them and apparently there is no such thing...
MegTheFish said:
Michael, what are albino custard frogs? I did a google search on them and apparently there is no such thing...
They are white frogs you eat with custard! :rofl:

Seriously though - if it helps I had two African Dwarf frogs. One died within a couple of weeks of purchase but we have since learnt that the lfs we bought them from has a dreadful reputation anyway.

Froggy number two (Henri) is fine and dandy. He is quite shy and only comes out when there is food about. He LOVES frozen food - particularly bloodworm and will happily tuck into tiny bits of prawn or cooked chicken. He bothers nobody and nobody bothers him. He is getting quite big and fat - having said that he is still only one and a half inches from nose to the end of his legs - so he is still tiny. My understanding as from the other posts is that African Clawed frogs are an absolute no-no in a community tank. But if you can find some African dwarf frogs they are excellent fun and no bother.
African Dwarf frogs are my personal favorite. The get along with everything, stay small, and you can keep multiple ones in a tank.
Yep, just make sure that they don't get picked on and that they get enough food.

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