

New Member
Nov 26, 2003
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hi i just bought a frog from my lfs but i forgot to ask what type of frog it is. the man at the shop said it spends all its time under the water so i dont need to change my tank about. i am just wondering is this true or does the frog need to be out of the water sometimes??

cheers for any advice
there are frogs that do just that! aquatic frogs , you may want to try posting this under the invertebrate + amphibians section though or have a moderator move this topic there as you'll get alot more replys

inch worm is a great person for froggie advice :hyper:
Some advice I picked up from Inchworm: if the frog has webbed front feet, it'll stay under 3 inches or so. If it doesn't, it'll grow huge and eat the fish it's with.
stevie_18 said:
hi i just bought a frog from my lfs but i forgot to ask what type of frog it is. the man at the shop said it spends all its time under the water so i dont need to change my tank about. i am just wondering is this true or does the frog need to be out of the water sometimes??

cheers for any advice
I have had a frog for the last 6 months. I don't know what kind of frog it is but it stays under the water all the time. It hasn't grown very much either.
stevie_18 said:
hi i just bought a frog from my lfs but i forgot to ask what type of frog it is. the man at the shop said it spends all its time under the water so i dont need to change my tank about. i am just wondering is this true or does the frog need to be out of the water sometimes??

cheers for any advice
I have had a frog for the last 6 months. I don't know what kind of frog it is but it stays under the water all the time. It hasn't grown very much either. It is a brown colour with webbed front feet.
jackieconroy said:
...I have had a frog for the last 6 months. I don't know what kind of frog it is but it stays under the water all the time. It hasn't grown very much either. It is a brown colour with webbed front feet.
Hi jackieconroy :)

If your frog has webs on his FRONT feet it is an African Dwarf Frog. It will stay little and must live under the water all the time. They do, however, go to the surface and take a gulp of air, once in a while.

Click on the link in my signature for more information. :D
Hi stevie_18 :)

Your frog might be either an African Dwarf Frog or an African Clawed Frog. If it has webs on his hands, he will stay small. But, if his little fingers are pointy, he is an African Clawed Frog and he'll get as big as a man's fist. Both of them live their entire lives under water.

If you click on the link in my signature it will take you to a thread with lots more information and links about both of them. You will also see pictures of their hands so that you can see what I mean.

Please let me know what yours turns out to be. :D
bit of bad news for ya's. frogger is dead!!! :-( i have a siamese fighting fish in the tank and its killed 3 guppies the frog and i thinks its had my shrimp aswell. :dunno: needless to say ill be gettin rib of the fish asap. if my lfs had have told me that they can be aggresive to other fish i would have had any deathc because i wouldnt have bought it in the first place.
after i get rid of the betta il defo get another frog or 2 as they are amazing lookin pets.
thanks for the advice anyway
c ya's
that is why you should always research fish before you go ahead and throw them in your tank. Bettas are very aggressive and alot of people dont think they should be in community tanks, especially with guppies because they thing they are other male bettas. I suggest before buying fish and adding them all together, ask questions here first and we can help you out.
Steve just wanna say sorry to hear about your frog!!

Goodluck Joe!!

P.S. Hows ICT?

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