Frogs ???

Scott MacAdam

Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Halifax, Canada
ok so on my latest journey to walmart i seen frogs... i think they were called africian (or maybe asian) dwarf frogs. does anyone know about these? there not eating anything but there still living, (i'm thinking they might be nocturnal) but i'm not sure what's going on here...
just tropical fish food (this could be the problem) i thought of this before but i figured they would eventaually eat something.
why would u buy something if u didn't know how to take care of it?
You might want to try taking either frozen bloodworms, daphnia, or brine shrimp and feeding it with an eyedropper or claw of some sort. They're pretty much bottom feeders and don't have very good sight, so it helps to dangle the food right in front of them. Mine's kind of learned that eyedropper = food, and it's cute to see him go into froggie stealth mode. His favorite foods are frozen brine shrimp and bloodworms.

Hope this helps!
I have been using a large pair of tweezers to dangle blood worms in front of them. But I also have to fight off my white skirt tetras because they also have figured out that tweezers mean food. Its quite fun battling the fish, and watching the frogs attack the blood worms. Occasionally the fish win and manage to get themselves a treat....... :)
My ADFs love frozen bloodworm, so do try that. Not good hunter though so I use a pipette and they shove thier little noses into it to grab the worms!

Try the Amphibians forum on this site for more info and advice.

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