Frogs and Fish


New Member
Oct 25, 2003
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Hey all
I'm hoping to get a bigger tank for my 5 Mollies and would like some new friends for them too. I have been advised on what fish mix well but was wondering whether Frogs can be added to the tank too. If so what special conditions do they need.

As always thanks for all the help, this site is great!

whatever you do, do not get an African Clawed Frog or common pond variety Frog. Claw's get very big and will inhale fish, and pond varieties do the same.

African Dwarf Frogs are what you want. amazingly interesting little buggers. i was told mine would flatly refuse anything but live food, but he has taken to anything that falls incredibley well. he also eats some Algae (much to my Platties disappointment) and munched up a few Platy fry. i'm sure a pair or trio of African Dwarfs would do well in your community, all i'd suggest is keeping a few fry from each drop (say, three per frog) and making sure they get it, otherwise you don't know what the frog might be eating, or if he's eating at all!

Hi atticgirl :)

African Dwarf frogs are totally aquatic and make great little pets. I would be more worried about the fish hurting them than the other way around. I keep my two, by themselves, in a gallon jar. :wub:

They love bloodworms but there is a special food made just for them called "Frog Bites." These are tiny little pieces that resemble poppy seeds and sink to the bottom where they can eat them.

Take care when you shop that you do not buy African Clawed Frogs by mistake. The ones you want have webbing on their hands, not pointy little separate fingers. :nod:

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