Froggy Advice Needed!


Fish Crazy
May 4, 2008
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
In about Febuary i brought some eggs home from a local fishing pond. They were single black balls inside a hoop of jelly. Does anyone recognize these?
Now, the eggs were put into a small plastic tank which i use as a hospital tank. The tank was empty, no filter, gravel jus a few bits of pond weed and the eggs with the water from the pond. They hatched and got bigger etc and i must of had about 60 in there (the tank was only about 0.7 gallons!) When they hatched i put a stone in there as an aid to let them get out of the water and breathe as i knew they would do this at some point. They stayed at their tadpole form for at least 3 months. By about June i was having a lot of casualties. (Losing a couple each day) They still had no legs or any sign of any. I started adding fish flake now and then but they didn't seem to eat it. I also added lots of pond and fish tank plants for them to eat. The water itself had turned quite acloudy green and there was a lot of debris on the bottom which hadn't been there since the start. The casualties kept happening until i added an aerator in about July but this stopped working and the tadpoles kept dying and dying. When i returned home one day and found about several, dead on the bottom i took action by moving the surviving four to my tropical fish tank. This tank had no fish in, no heater on, but about half of the original water ( i was planning to sell it!) There were still live plants. After when i put them in about 3 weeks ago or so, all of them are still alive and healthy, and then about 2 weeks ago i noticed one of them had back legs, then another got back legs. The other two remaining had none. Then one of them gained front legs. It then started going out of the water almost all the time and sitting on my filter or heater. Recently another one did the same. The other two have now got back legs. However, now they are out of the water i don't know what to feed them and they look very skinny. And i am also confused because when i looked at a frog cycle it said once they get their back and front legs they now go out of the water and become adult frogs. I can;t understand that because the 2 frogs are only bout 1cm long at the most! If this means they need to be released now, then i will release them into my pond but at that size my fish would eat them!!

Ok sorry bout the long post guys, but i suppose it gives you all a better idea of what's going on.

Any advice would be great thanks!
Any chance you could take a pic so we could see the species?

My only suggestion would be to get a lot of high protein food into them like bloodworms or even earthworms. They've had a very bad start by the sounds of things so they may not grow to a healthy size at all :unsure:
My only suggestion would be to get a lot of high protein food into them like bloodworms or even earthworms. They've had a very bad start by the sounds of things so they may not grow to a healthy size at all :unsure:

Deffo get the bloodworms or something into them. With you fish tank maybe make it up with stone plants etc with a tiny pond at one end and just keep the frogs in it till they get bigger then release them to the big pond. Never know they might be back to spawn themselves.

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