Frog Question

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Sep 27, 2005
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My 3.5 yr old son was on vacation with my sister and she sent him home with this little cube with 2 frogs in it. The cube says aqua babies on the top. I think they are african dwarf frogs.

I found the aquababy website on how to take care of them.
I was wondering if I could put them in my aquarium. I have a 55 gallon tank with one pleco, about a dozen zebra danios, 4 headlight tail light tetras and 4 other tetras that I can't remember the name of (they are orange)
So, can the fogs stay in the same tank as them, or should I leave them in the little cube.

The frogs should be okay with all of the other inhabitants, but you may want to question the girlfriends frog disappeared from a large pleco whose mouth was big enough to have eaten him. He shouldn't have been to blame, and the frog probably died from something else and the pleco just took care of the remains, but ya never know. They are fun little critters once they get comfy enough to be out and about, and add alot of life to their home. Another thing I would suggest checking is if there are any depth restrictions for them by searching african dwarf frogs...since they frequently come to the surface I don't know if they should stay at a lower is not an issue for me since mine are in a 10 gallon!
Good luck and have fun with your frogs!
I would imagine they're harder to feed in a community tank. I have one ADF in a seven gallon with a betta and shrimp, and I'm having to syringe feed him. Otherwise he doesn't get anything. :/
They could be either African Dwarf Frogs (ADF) or clawed frogs. The clawed variety get big and are aggressive - a complete no-no for your big tank. Do a google on ADFs and there`s a good selection of sites that will tell you how to spot the difference.

I have a pair of ADFs in my 55gal, and they are a complete delight. It`s like havig two comic little people in my tank. The Juwel would be a much duller place without them.

From my experiences, they will *only* eat (frozen) bloodworms, and I have to hand feed them i.e. stick my hand into the bottom of the tank, wait a minute for them to appear (they always do), then let the frogs rip them out of my fingers. I do this every 3-4 days. For some this might be considered a pain, for me it`s one of the highlights of my fishy week. Others are able to squirt food at them with a syringe or similar, but mine aren`t able to home in on it for some reason. They`ll only get it out my fingers. Hence, if I`m ever doing any maintenance in the tank, then a pair of frogs follow my fingers everywhere !

It`s said they don`t like tanks with ultra-strong flows, nor tanks with lots of surface agitation - as they occasionally like to hang out at the suface, if they`re feeling lazy.

I`ll always have AFDs in my tank now, because they are comedy champions, easy to take care of, and never have a go at the fish. But I might be wary of a big pleco though, and keep an eye out and see how it goes.
Probably best to keep them on their own at first. Feed them - get them used to your food and water conditions, and let them settle in a bit. Once you lknow that they will eat, and what they will eat you'll have a better cgance of keeping them going when they are competing for food
Hi sperduton :)

Welcome to the forum! :hi:

The first thing I would recommend that you do is get them out of those horrible little cubes. This is a commercial gimmick that is an exercise in cruelty to the fish or frogs that are sold in them. If you follow the directions, the frogs will stay tiny because they have been starved. Their growth will have been stunted by this and by, in effect, living in a cesspool. They have been outlawed in some localities.

The second thing you should do is to determine whether they are ADFs (African Dwarf Frogs) or ACFs (African Clawed Frogs.) Either one of them will be great pets, but their needs and care are very different.

Here's a link that contains a lot of information that will help you do this:
Hi there and welcome. I only have a little experience with ADF'S and they both died. :sad: I had mine in my community tank with neon tetras, platys and corydoras. The mix was fine although one platy took time to adjust to them being there. The tank was 18" deep and they were fine getting to the top and back to breathe. I fed them with the fish but especially them every 2-3 days on bloodworms, which they can become quite territorial of, they hunt by smell.
How I lost them; I was doing a water change and had left the pump in the water with the hood off cos I answered the phone. It wasn't til later on that night that I noticed I had only one frog. The other had crawled up the pump and left the tank, I am presuming here. I found it under the sofa later on, dead. The other got caught in some java moss and drowned.
Be careful of filters as these can sook their little legs in and trap them, kill them. Sometimes putting a stocking over the filter will stop any fatalities there. Hopefully my mistakes will help keep your little ones alive. Good luck, Xanthe.

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