Frog Pictures


I watch him. :D As soon as I open the lid the two big guys are up to the top waiting for their pellets. The Albino dont come to the top yet, so I can drop a few sinking shrimp pellets down to him while the two big ones are up top pigging out on floating Reptamin Pellets.


Yes there is a 3 inch Red Tail Black Shark, one 4 inch New Guinea Rainbow (used to be two, but the frogs tore one up when they were little) and two of some other kind of fish. Neighbor gave them to me and I figured the frogs would eat them. They didnt and now they have grown. I may put a few other fish in there, but Im not sure what yet. Any suggestions?

If you look at the 6th picture you can barely see the red tail shark in the right corner.

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