Frog Pictures


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
Louisville, Ky
I have wanted to get an Albino African Clawed Frog for a long time now, but I was afraid my other two big frogs would eat it. They were on sale a few days ago for $7.00 so I had to get one! So far so good. The other two could probably swallow him, but they dont really seem to mind him. I just hope that dont change! Here are a few pics of the new guy.

If you look to the left of the pic you can see one of my other frogs feet! Look how big it is compared to the Albino ACF. Little guy isnt he!




Here he is under one of my big frogs!
Ummm why is there a whole other post above mine? I started a new topic. :dunno: weird

Anyway here is a good pic to compare sizes.

Here is the other big frog. Since the other big guy was in the other pics I figured I would put a pic of this one in here to. Just to keep him from getting jealous. :rofl:
I owe you two thank you's William. :D :p

Thank you for the compliment on the Frogs, and Thank you for fixing this for me! :nod:
Hi Alanky :)

What a sweet little baby!! :wub: FOTM nomination for the little pink frog. (Picture #1)
i'll second that nomonation cos the little frog is so sweet :rolleyes:

i'm not so keen on your big ones though - they look kinda fat and creepy to me :look:
i prefer the big one... the albino reminds me of a skinned rat.... (sorry but it is kinda kreepy)

i nominate the big one sittin on ur little one lmao that could do with a great caption like 'hey man,i aint givin u a piggy back ride' or 'god u sound just like my mum GET OFF MY BACK WILL U!!'
Wow thanks for all the compliments! :nod: The Albino one has not turned into food yet, so I guess it is safe to say that the big ones wont eat him after all. Here is the little guy REALLY pushing his luck though! Standing on the big frogs head and mouth! I took this picture at a bad angle. The corner of the aquarium makes the little frog look longer then he actually is. Guess the corner mirrored and stretched the little guy. :rofl: I wish he was as big as he looks here. Then I wouldnt have to worry about him becoming lunch.

Hi Alanky :)

Watch them carefully to be sure he gets his fair share of food. The big ones will try to get it all if they can. :eek:

And if you can give him some extra, it will help him grow faster. It seems to make a bigger difference with frogs than it does with fish.

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