Friends Goldfish Is Ill


Fish Crazy
Feb 9, 2012
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ok ive already put this in the coldwater section but hardly any1 goes there and my friends really worried so heres a link
on its side now and she's done water change....................
edit: and now its sinking..................
As the others have specified in the other post, it sounds like ammonia poisoning. Goldfish grow to be pretty big, and are very messy, and as such need a very big tank with a heavy duty filter to keep their water conditions tip top.

The only advice I can give echos what the others have said- keep doing water changes and try and get her to upgrade to a much larger tank! Small tanks are really no good at all for a lot of fish, and are never suitable if unfiltered and not de-chlorinated.

Tell your friend good luck, and keep us updated? :)

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