Friends For Green Terrors


New Member
Jan 6, 2006
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I am going to purchase a 4x2x2 tank for a pair of green terrors. I would also like to add some more fish but preferably not convicts. Is this possible? Also roughly how big do green terrors grow as i have been on a few websites which quote 12" but i am not sure. And my last question is that are green terrors very aggresive fish as i could just about fit a 5 foot tank in but would rather not so please don't advise what fish i should get for a 5 foot tank.

Thanks :)
And my last question is that are green terrors very aggresive fish

Thanks :)
Why do you think they are called "terrors"?
If a pair of green terrors decide to spawn they will want the whole of a four foot tank as their territory - you could chance a fair sized plec but I wouldn't risk anything else.
slec2, I have had Green terrors before and can tell you that as long as they arent breeding they arent overly aggressive towards things as big or bigger than they are. I raised them in an 80 gallon (US) with a couple jask dempseys, convicts, and texas cichids. The only ones that bred were the convicts and I did not experience problems but I can tell you, if you plan on putting these types of fish together, you need to have a backup tanks of somekind ready, because if the green terrors do pair off, or any other cichlids you get for that matter, there is a good chance there will be fighting.... I believe I lucked out when my convicts bred. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
It has been allegedly known for Terrors to share pools or whatever with Aligators in a certain animal park :flex: I just cant remember where! Perhaps someone else knows..?

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