Friends Betta


Jun 28, 2007
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hey guys,

today my friend gave me her male betta because she didn't have to time and proper care for him. So I knew that he had some problems. Here's what I found on his body:

Fin rot

lost his color

the area behind his gills is a little bloated

and he sometimes floats at the top of the "tank" (small vase)

I also noticed a big with area on his annual fin. Im not sure if it's part of his color or it's a fungus. Uggh! How could my friend let this happen to him? Also she put him in a small vase the measures 22 cm high and about 12 cm long. I can't find out the circumference right now because I can't find the tape measure lol :blush:. and the vase has gravel at the bottom with no decor. Tomorrow I will clean his tank and give him a plant.

I also fed him a bit and he ate well. I also gave him a little bit of conditioner to help with his slime coat and fin rot.

So here are my questions:

how can I treat his fin rot?

how fast will his fins grow back?

why could part of his body be bloated?

should I post a pic of him today/tomorrow?

thanks guys for your help! This little guy really needs it.

~ sunny
I can't give you an explination for everything that's wrong with him, but here's what I can tell you. For the fin rot use Melafix; it is a good cure all and works well for fin rot. Use 10 drops per gallon as bettas are sensitive to it, don't use the dose the bottle says. Use salt in the tank. Next, use Freshwater Aquarium Salt form a pet store or just Kosher or Rock Salt from the grocery store. DO NOT USE REGULAR TABLE SALT AS IT CONTAINS IODINE AND WILL KILL HIM. Use 1/2 teaspoon per US gallon of water. To help with his color just feed him well. Hikari Bio Gold pellets are a good food to use on a regular basis and you can keep freeze dried or frozen blood worms, brine shrimp, daphnia, black worms, glass worms etc. The frozen is better than the freeze dried as freeze dried foods can lead to constipation. Also, feed him these treats sparingly as the high amount of protein can also lead to constipation. Other than this you should ask Modaz, 5teady, blue_betta, or devon_charm. They are probably the best ones to ask on here as they have the most experience. SO in the mean time, take my advice, give him some TLC, and hang in there until someone can tell you what the rest of the poor little guys problems might be. :nod: Good luck! :good:
Also for the bloating fast him (do not feed) for 2 days and see if that helps. A pic would really help us help you.
:crazy: :crazy: bad friend!!
If i had him I would find another container firstly even if it is just a plastic storage container. i use the ones with lids and hubby drills a few holes in the top. I find the water temp. remains stable. Nice clean conditioned water with a smidge of salt in. Float him in the water and let him out slowly. TLC as well. good luck :good: :good:
thanks guys! today im getting two more bettas from a different friend. I hope their in good condition :crazy: i can't wait!

also ill try to get a pic on here today, i think he might be a CT but i can't tell because his fins are ripped up lol. :blink:
I’m not sure if i should clean his tank today. I saw that his water looks kinda yellow. Just barely, compared to my own bettas. i just don't want to stress him out, because i had to walk him home with my friend (she only lives around the corner :good: ).

uh oh, i feed my bettas freeze dried blood worms every two days :crazy: ! is that bad :unsure: ? if it is ill stop to once a week.
Once every two days is a bit much IMO. I feed mine freeze dried blood worm once or maybe twice a week, but that's just me. :look:

The poor guy :shout: :


My friend really neglected him :grr: . He's looking a little better now :nod: . The pics make him look red, he's not. :good:

New Dude:
Seaweed :wub:


From a different friend
(NOTE: All the decor is now replaced due to the calcium :good: )
Firstly...awww poor guy...and yeah i totally agree with the Melafix idea, i use it for any fish that has fin damage. I hope he pulls through...

And secondly lovely new green boy you got there!
Poor bugger! Friend should be shot. Melafix is defo a good idea and some nice live bloodwormage lol

Oh and nice greeny!
wow he looks horrible :( poor little man, Agree with everyone else, some melafix, aquarium salt, highquality pellets and frozen bloodworms/brine shrimp should do the trick. Good luck with him!

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