Friendly Large Fish


New Member
Dec 28, 2008
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I have a juwel 200 litre tank, It has plenty of live plants, a air blower and i like to think for a begginer, this is only my second tank, all my water readings are fine,.

At present the tank is only stocked as follws:

6 Mollies
2 Scissor Tails
3 Tiger Barbs

Not large numbers I know,

We would lile to add a couple or 3 fish that will grow to a nice size say upto 9 inches

Any Ideas Please

i'dget rid of the tiger barbs as they might restrict what you get, or put the number up so they share the aggresion.

Totally depends on what youre looking for really, oddballs? SA?
The scissortails need to be kept in groups as well as the tiger barbs.

You could look at a severum or a Geophagus surinamensis. I don't think your tank is big enough for 3 large fish but you might get away with a pr as long as you do regular water changes and gravel cleans to keep the tank healthy.
Have a look at rainbow cichlids, Herotilapia multispinosa, as a larger fish that is not very aggressive. The get to about 5 inches and are gentle souls at heart. They will consume any plant matter that comes their way so not recommended for a planted tank.

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