Friend For Male Betta

They make hardly anything, there products are sold at trade, bottle of prime, £3.99 other shops 8.99. Most of there fish are from peoples fish giving birth and there own breeding, 're homing etc.

Male fighter there would cost me £2.50.

5they prob spent more in food for the fish then the cost of it.
the_lock_man said:
I would hardly say they are after my money.
In fairness, they wouldn't be doing it if they weren't after money.

They make there money from there farm and mini garden centre and plant nursetys, the fish part is a large shed type thing in there grounds, doesn't have staff in there or anything. It's like a fish rescue place type thing.

Hard to explain
You seemed determined not to take any of the advice you've been given here even though everyone has the welfare of your fish at heart
I would also add that mollies and bettas are not really the best tankmates even if they do get along fine.  Bettas prefer much warmer water and a gentle current and mollies do better with a bit of salt in their water as well as more current and a lot more swimming room.
tunagirll said:
tuna girll is that a veil tail betta in ur photo
Hey there, no that is my half moon betta, Nigel

I have three tanks:
30l tank with a male betta and some shrimp
60l tank with a female betta and some shrimp, and 9 Finke gobies
25l tank with a male betta (shrimp coming)
Wouldn't stock them any more than that. Bettas swim in the top to mid regions of the tank and don't like visitors in that area much, so I always go for something that is going to sit on the bottom. Clear shrimp seem to go okay with bettas so long as there are plenty of places to hide, but you have to have very good water parameters.
tuna girll i have 4 tanks 
-40 litre one male red veil tail betta (otocinclus catfish coming soon)
-40 litre with two orandas i set it up for my granda and he put them in i told him not to
-40 litre endler guppy breeder
-96 litre eheim aquastar with stand filter heater light 210 quid its got a guppy 5 neons 5 rummy nose tetras 3 head and tail light tetras 4 corys two wite two pepperd 12 danios 6 pink 6 brown 2 harlequins one otocinclus and one ancistrus
I guarantee you that your fish are not "happy" at this point.  Mollies need to be in a bigger tank since they do get to a decent size when full grown and if you have some of both sexes..they will outbreed the space in that tank in a very short time.
Bettas are best left in tanks to themselves.  In a tank of that size if you were to keep the betta and rehomed the mollies, you could have a small school of smaller rasboras or pygmy cories but that would be it.
Whether you take the advice given here or not, everyone here is trying their best to help you.  Local fish places and retail stores that sell fish in a way are all the same, they are looking for a sale.  Local places can have some knowledgeable people but even then most of them do not know a lot about all of the fish they sell.  The majority of the advice given by stores is wrong which is sad and even harder to hear.  The majority of us on the forum started off in the same place with bad information and overstocked tanks so don't feel like everyone is judging or criticizing you since we have all been there.

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