They make hardly anything, there products are sold at trade, bottle of prime, £3.99 other shops 8.99. Most of there fish are from peoples fish giving birth and there own breeding, 're homing etc.
Male fighter there would cost me £2.50.
5they prob spent more in food for the fish then the cost of it.
They make there money from there farm and mini garden centre and plant nursetys, the fish part is a large shed type thing in there grounds, doesn't have staff in there or anything. It's like a fish rescue place type thing.
Hard to explain
Male fighter there would cost me £2.50.
5they prob spent more in food for the fish then the cost of it.
the_lock_man said:I would hardly say they are after my money.
In fairness, they wouldn't be doing it if they weren't after money.
They make there money from there farm and mini garden centre and plant nursetys, the fish part is a large shed type thing in there grounds, doesn't have staff in there or anything. It's like a fish rescue place type thing.
Hard to explain