Freshwater Stingrays


Fish Crazy
Nov 19, 2006
Reaction score
Southern California
I was just browsing through my LFS today and was flipping through one of their magazines and saw an add for "freshwater stingrays" and it even had a picture... Beyond that there wasn't much else... Just the name of a store and an address. I wasn't aware that there were freshwater stingrays, can any1 give me any info on them? I haven't looked anywhere else yet but I'm gonna do some research now, ill post what I find :hyper:

EDIT: Hmm, so far have found that they are illegal to keep in most U.S. states for fear of them being released in the wild and wreaking havoc, hehe. They are poisonous too, can easily be kept in atleast a 50 gallon tank tho. If any1 else finds something else interesting let me know!
freshwater rays are real yes and we have several ray keepers with years of experience on this forum who will be happy to answer any questions you have,try posting in the oddball section :good:
different rays will need different tank sizes but 50gallons is not big enough for any adult ray as far as i know
Check the Oddballs forum. 50g is only suitable for a temporary housing. They'll ultimately need a much bigger aquarium.
word around here is that there is no species of freshwater ray that can be kept in a tank smaller than 6ft x 2.5ft x 2ft

definitely can't keep any in a 50g.
Sorry about the incorrect info on the 50 gallon, that was just from a quick glance at a website. :-( That would definitely be something fun to do, maybe in the future though...
i have read plenty of nonsense about rays on various websites written by people who have no clue :(
this is the guy i by my rays from and you will find all the info you need in one place

right hear

the smallest type of FW ray is a scobina with a max disk size of 12inch and will need a min tank size of a 6x2x2ft

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