freshwater shrimp


Fish Addict
Mar 8, 2002
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last week i was at animals & things an lfs that i try to hit every now and then,and i walked past these fw shrimp 1 said chameleon(sp?)and the others were glass and spider shrimp so i got 2 of each not really expecting them to be so interesting,well needless to say they are very interesting and i love'm :( i'm hoping they'll live for a long while.SOOO what are my chances these lil guys will be w/me for a while?
*crossing fingers*
Hi mostanks,

I haven't heard of the shrimps you mention but then as I'm sure people have noticed alot of lfs tend use use a bit of artistic licence when descibing whats in the tank makeing it hard to establish exactly what it is..... :rolleyes:

I have about 8 amano shrimp in my tank, they are interesting to watch but imo are just eating factories. Supposed to be good at keeping algae at bay but have seen mine happily eat anything put into the tank. Quite funny watching them try and drag a whole algae waffer off :lol:

Have a look at this site to see if yours is one of these...

SHRIMP :thumbs:

I brought 2 large zebra shrimps... then they spawned and i now have well over 30 zebra shrimps!!! (wouldv'e had a lot more but my discus saw them as lunch...)

Kool to watch though....
Hmmm i am very intrigued by these little guys. If i were to buy a few, would i have to worry about my Bosemans, or my Angels (adults) eating them? I have plenty of hiding spots for them. :)
cool site wetwet-well i know for sure now that i have 2 glass shrimp the others look similar to the rainbow shrimp.i'm not so much looking for which species i have,right now,what i'd really like to know is if they are in fact fresh water, :p can ya tell i know nothing about crustacean :*)

I brought 2 large zebra shrimps... then they spawned and i now have well over 30 zebra shrimps!!!
that must have been reall cool to watch,how many in the first batch?was that the only time they spawned for you?
Jeffro - I'm sure the angels would have a pop at them, the Rainbows I'm not so sure about though (depends on size... I know they can get to 4" or so, can't they?).. :huh:
most fish would proly take a few shotrs at them when they are first introduced,my nigriventrus and a few others went right at them and the shrimp didn't back down,that lasted less than a minute and now they don't even seem to care 1 bit about them.btw-the oddest thing happened when i got them home,1 of the shrimp couldn't make the trip,he just kinda fell to the bottom and kicked for a while,then another 1 came by and gave him a double take :huh: he then picked up the half dead shrimp placed him in a cave under a lava rock,kicked some sand over him and left :crazy:
what the hack was that all about?

Quite funny watching them try and drag a whole algae waffer off

wetwet-lol yeah i tried that this morning and one of the glass shrimp actually picked it up and swam away,the whole thing!! :lol:
Gibbo- my rainbows are right at three inches, maybe a little more. They usually don't mess with any of their tankmates, they just chase eash other a little. I'm more concerned with my know how they can be. :rolleyes: Maybe i'll wait until i get my next big tank so i can make some more hiding spots, and since i'm keeping the angels, and the rainbows in the pentagon, i won't have any worries :D I'm in the planning stages, and my MTS is in full swing, so i've got a bunch of ideas. I'm really interested in the shrimp though.......they just seem like they would be fascinating to watch!

I didn't realise they had spawned until i looked really closely and saw a load of little shrimps!!! Then my discus cut them down to about 30!!!

I'm hoping they'll do it again soon....
:hyper: cool i hope mine spawn for me,1 more question how long have you had them?


ummm i'd had them for about 2-3 weeks before they spawned..

The babies are getting quite big as well now, which is good coz it means the other fish can't eat them now!!

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