Freshwater Flounders?


Aug 6, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
I was planning on buying a freshwater flunder, but I have read so much different nfo on them. Some freshwater some brackish water; I'm not sure what species the ones at the LFS are though. I was just looking for some solid advice.
My friend Has a Freshwater flounder and does not add any salt to his tank for it and it doing just fine. You do have to have a sand substrate for them due to the fact they like to hide. And they are supposed to get pretty big to.. . Hope this helped and good luck.
There are a number of different flounders for home aquaria, and some need brackish water, others not.

Sand susbtrate is essnetial, and if you kept the fish at around 1.005 brackish you couldn't go far wrong with that.
it all depends on what exactly is being sold as a 'freshwater flounder'
there are a few true freshwater species but most are brackish

can you get a pic before you buy it? then try and id it to see what type of water you need.
Not to try and high jack the post but i was planning on get a couple but was also confused on what species could be kept in pure freshwater. If someone could give "US" a specific name that would be great. Also would they be alright in a tank with a Retic Ray?
Not to try and high jack the post but i was planning on get a couple but was also confused on what species could be kept in pure freshwater. If someone could give "US" a specific name that would be great. Also would they be alright in a tank with a Retic Ray?

In time a ray would eat a flounder, definitely not a good combination.

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