Nexttime I’ll lighten it up. Its also a chance to learn from others. Take your best guess.
I'd like to consider myself an American cichlid coniconnoisseurRound 2:
#1: @OliveFish05 correctly identified Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus)
#2: @JuiceBox52 identified the exact species of freshwater Sculpin, the Mottled Sculpin (Cottus bairdii), a dream fish of mine! @Circus is an honorable mention because she did get the type of fish.
#3, with a VERY impressive correct ID, @Caesar wins again, correctly identifying Gymnogeophagus Jaryi. If I may ask, how do you know this fish?
First one's a lemon tetra, thought the second was a penguin tetra but considering it starts with an F I doubt that's rightLet’s get some more people here! Take your best guess, we won’t bite!
This one is a Tetra version.
View attachment 151061 Name starts with LView attachment 151062name starts with F
View attachment 151063 This is an expert level fish. Starts with T
Yay! A contestant! I think I should’ve mentioned that the one that starts with an F is hard level. Let’s get more people! I want this to continue. It helps exercise ones fish ID skills. Even if you get it wrong, you improve from it. Let’s keep this going!First one's a lemon tetra, thought the second was a penguin tetra but considering it starts with an F I doubt that's right.