Freshwater Aquarium Help

Actually, none, other than a filter change about 2 days ago for the first time (after the fish started acting funny, actually. I don't know if that was the right thing to do, though.)

The filter-changing thing is another con by the people who sell them to you to get you buying replacement media. That's where most of the bacteria grow, so if you've changed your filter media, you've chucked out most of the bacteria you'd grown to this point, which will make the cycle take longer. The filter doesn't need changing (although it can do with a rinse in old tank water every couple of months or so) until the sponge is literally falling apart. Even then, only half should be changed at a time, so as not to chuck out all the good bacteria.

ohh no, it doesn't look like any of those. it's a little black sucker with brownish spots.. his mouth looks like a siphon. lol. he's very cute. his name is charlie. lol.

This sounds a lot like a Chinese algae eater. They may look cute, but they get way too big for a 10g and, when older, often trade in algae-eating for sucking the slime coat off the sides of other fish. They're commonly sold in fish shops as good algae controllers for small tanks (I was sold one when I started), but they're nothing of the sort.
Actually I bought Ammo-Lock once and found it didn't work the way it was supposed to. I suggest A.C.T. by Mardel!!!!!! It's a great product! It works very quickly!! And it's so easy!! :fish: :fish:
You will still test positive for ammonia after using Ammo-lock if you are using a singe reagent nessler test, or test strips. This test doesn't discriminate between ammonia and ammonium. A two reagent salicylate test will detect only ammonia, not ammonium. Ammo-Lock is nothing more than hydromethane sulfinate, the same ingredient found in dechlorinators that remove ammonia along with chlorine & chloramine.

Mardel A.C.T. is another one of those products that claims to add nitrifying bacteria. The only reliable product that has been proven to work is BioSpira, and this must be kept under refrigeration until used. Ammo-lock is a reliable product that is safely used by everyone from starting aquarists to companies who do commercial aquarium maintenance.
Tomorrow I am going to invest in a master-test kit for my water.

All of my mickey mouse fish are gone..the last one passed away the night before last.. so that's 4 fish in two days.. but fortunately, the neons are acting MUCH happier with the water change, the ammonia clear, and the addition of the aerator (there are two bubble stone things) and i cut WAY back on the amount of food that they are eating..and now i'm making sure to double check w/ my fiance before i feed them

this morning i fed them a very small amount (well it's actually probably the right amount lol) and this evening i fed them about the same.

everybody is looking a lot happier.. and the frog isn't afraid of the bubbles anymore. i really appreciate everybody's help. i've learned more here in the past 2 days then i have anywhere else in a month.

i'm starting to research different fish to add to the tank. when i was in the pet store the other day, i noticed a tank full of mickey's and there were 2 or 3 on the bottom of the tank like mine were. i think i'm going to stay away from those fish atleast for now.

does anybody know much about fruit tetras? i also saw a dalmation molly (i believe that's what it was called). are those okay to add with neons? of course i'm not going to add any real soon, but if things keep clearing up, i will probably add one or two fish in a week or two depending on how my tank looks. :good:
platies...guppies...and barbs do ok with neons....clown loaches dont seem to mess with em ethier...fruit tetra's i believe they are dyed :-( ooo i know! you should try swordtails! they are great for begginers!

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