Good morning, everyone and thank you for welcoming me to your forum. As a new member, I will start with an introduction.
Today I join looking for advice to improve my freshwater planted tank. Being an experienced novice to the planted aquarium scene I will appreciate your professional advice. My profile picture was taken two years ago; the thirty gallon horizontal tank has however been established over twenty years. Plants were introduced late fall 2018. Anubias and Cryptocorne Undulata survive for seven years; Malaysian Red, Java Fern and Water Fern wilt to stems within a year. Filtration is through UGF with air stone aeration and riser tubes with a Fluval Aquaclear HOB.
Aquatic species include tetra, zebra danios, Angel fish, Cory Catfish, silver dollar, and snails. Substrate is coarse aquatic blue green gravel. My questions include the best steps for improvement.
My experience comes with some naivety. Even though I am familiar with some aspects of freshwater aquatic life and the nitrogen cycle I continue with unfamiliarity regarding the complexities of aquatic biology; namely ick, fish naming, and other freshwater aquatic tank intricacies. Through my membership I hope the chance to learn more.
Today I join looking for advice to improve my freshwater planted tank. Being an experienced novice to the planted aquarium scene I will appreciate your professional advice. My profile picture was taken two years ago; the thirty gallon horizontal tank has however been established over twenty years. Plants were introduced late fall 2018. Anubias and Cryptocorne Undulata survive for seven years; Malaysian Red, Java Fern and Water Fern wilt to stems within a year. Filtration is through UGF with air stone aeration and riser tubes with a Fluval Aquaclear HOB.
Aquatic species include tetra, zebra danios, Angel fish, Cory Catfish, silver dollar, and snails. Substrate is coarse aquatic blue green gravel. My questions include the best steps for improvement.
My experience comes with some naivety. Even though I am familiar with some aspects of freshwater aquatic life and the nitrogen cycle I continue with unfamiliarity regarding the complexities of aquatic biology; namely ick, fish naming, and other freshwater aquatic tank intricacies. Through my membership I hope the chance to learn more.