fresh water sting rays

expensive, often die in the first two weeks, can kill you, needs a very wide tank (at the very very least 2 feet) need sand substrate, Ask in the oddballs institute
Yer, ask in the oddballs forum, and read Paul V Bikers thread, he just got a pair.

Keeping stingrays is something i believe people shouldn't dive straight into without prior experience with other delicate fish. To begin with, they are extremly sensitive to water conditions and as Opcn they can die within weeks of purchasing them for no apparent reason. Secondly they are all wild caught (as far as i know nobody has managed to breed them and successfully raise them) and there are only a certain amount exported each year making them expensive fish and due to their size they must be kept in a tank with a large footprint.

I'v never owned one, so i wouldn't consider myself an expert by any means :lol: but if you want more information, ask cfc or paul and they should be able to help you :)

Edit: Found the import quota from 2004

This allows the export of: 10,000 P. motoro, 5000 P. orbignyi (erroneously sold as reticulatus in the UK aquatic trade and frequently incorrectly labelled in books and magazines), 5000 P. schroderi and 10000 P. sp. 'Cururui' per year. P. leopoldi a

So not a lot of fish considering the amount of neons and guppies sold every year...
Some species of ray are actually quite easy to breed and raise in a aquarium but as so few people are willing to spend the kind of money needed to buy a pair and house them in a large tank with no tankmates very few are captive bred and those that are tend to be more expensive to buy than their wild caught counterparts.

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