New Member
I need help. I want to get a 30 gallon fresh water tank started but I'm still a little confused as to which products I should buy. For example, Is the power filter too small or too big? From the info I gathered here on the forums, I think it's okay. What about the air pump, any recommendations? I want to use it to run a bubble wand and a decorative statue of some kind. What is a air stone for?
Please review my shopping list and offer me any substitutes, upgrades, or downgrades. I really do appreciate any help I can get, Thank you.
30 Gallon Tank (glass)
Lid Cover with Fluorescent Fixture (natural daylight spectrum)
Power Filter (Hagen Aquaclear 150)
Air Pump (Tetra Tetratec AP200)
Bubble Wand (Marineland 23")
Heater (Hagen Thermal Compact Submersible 100 watt)
Gravel 25 pound bag
Gravel Vacuum (Lee's Ultimate Gravel Vac)
Magnet Cleaner (Mag Float 30)
Fish Net
Test Kit (Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Master Test Kit)
Chorine Neutralizer (Tetra Aqua Safe & Tetra Aqua Easy Balance)
Decorations (plastic / glass / ceramic)
Plants (plastic)
Please review my shopping list and offer me any substitutes, upgrades, or downgrades. I really do appreciate any help I can get, Thank you.
30 Gallon Tank (glass)
Lid Cover with Fluorescent Fixture (natural daylight spectrum)
Power Filter (Hagen Aquaclear 150)
Air Pump (Tetra Tetratec AP200)
Bubble Wand (Marineland 23")
Heater (Hagen Thermal Compact Submersible 100 watt)
Gravel 25 pound bag
Gravel Vacuum (Lee's Ultimate Gravel Vac)
Magnet Cleaner (Mag Float 30)
Fish Net
Test Kit (Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Master Test Kit)
Chorine Neutralizer (Tetra Aqua Safe & Tetra Aqua Easy Balance)
Decorations (plastic / glass / ceramic)
Plants (plastic)