Fresh Water Purchase List


New Member
Mar 1, 2004
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West Covina Ca.
I need help. I want to get a 30 gallon fresh water tank started but I'm still a little confused as to which products I should buy. For example, Is the power filter too small or too big? From the info I gathered here on the forums, I think it's okay. What about the air pump, any recommendations? I want to use it to run a bubble wand and a decorative statue of some kind. What is a air stone for?
Please review my shopping list and offer me any substitutes, upgrades, or downgrades. I really do appreciate any help I can get, Thank you.

30 Gallon Tank (glass)
Lid Cover with Fluorescent Fixture (natural daylight spectrum)
Power Filter (Hagen Aquaclear 150)
Air Pump (Tetra Tetratec AP200)
Bubble Wand (Marineland 23")
Heater (Hagen Thermal Compact Submersible 100 watt)
Gravel 25 pound bag
Gravel Vacuum (Lee's Ultimate Gravel Vac)
Magnet Cleaner (Mag Float 30)
Fish Net
Test Kit (Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Master Test Kit)
Chorine Neutralizer (Tetra Aqua Safe & Tetra Aqua Easy Balance)
Decorations (plastic / glass / ceramic)
Plants (plastic)
Hi aquafan :)

It sounds to me like you've put a good deal of thought and research into setting up this new tank. :nod:

The only thing I would change is that I would upgrade the filter to an AquaClear 300. The 150 is just too small for the 30 gallon tank. You will also want to add a few sponge inserts to your shopping list since they will be necessary in your filter. If you pick up a bag of filter floss, you can fill the chamber on top of the sponge with it to increase both the mechanical and biological filtration.

An airstone is similar to a bubble wand, except it is usually about an inch long. It gets attached to the airline (from the air pump) and breaks the flow of air into bubbles.

I'm not familiar with the model of the air pump on the list, but unless you want to use it to run sponge filters or box filters in fry tanks, (or to have that as an option at a later time), in addition to using it for decorative purposes, you will not need a big one. If you want to run a bubble wand and a decoration from a pump with only one output thingy, you can get something called a gang valve which will allow you to divide the air flow and channel more or less air to either one.
The 150 is just too small for the 30 gallon tank. You will also want to add a few sponge inserts to your shopping list since they will be necessary in your filter.

You mean you don't rinse and re-use your aquaclear sponges inchworm?? I end up buying new ones about once per year.

Aqafan, Tetra easy balance is a solution that is supposed to help preven the necessity of water changes. The very idea of using a chemical to avoid waterchanges makes me cringe. The only additive you actually need in your tank is a dechlorinater, otherwise with regular water changes your fish will thrive ;)
Thanks Inchworm, I'll change my list and upgrade to an Aqua Clear 300. Oh, and thanks for the tip on filter floss and the info on the air pump.
Thank you thecichlidaddict, I'll take the Easy balance off my list and stick to regular water changes.
Thanks for the welcome modernhamlet. This place is great. As much as I want to just go out and randomly buy a bunch of stuff, I will try to learn more from you guys here at the forums first.
Besides what the others posted I would increase the gravel to at least 45 pounds which is just a rule of thumb to follow by(1 gallon = 1.5 pound of gravel) which will be able to harbor more beneficial bacteria than only 25 pounds.
Besides what the others posted I would increase the gravel to at least 45 pounds which is just a rule of thumb to follow by(1 gallon = 1.5 pound of gravel) which will be able to harbor more beneficial bacteria than only 25 pounds.

There isn't enough oxygen For very much bacteria to form below the first couple of layers, and the aquaclear can handle all of the bio-filtration anyway. ;)
:fish: Better still change the gravel to sand (childrens playpit sand is cheap and works well) and buy real plants they're much better for your fish and help to soak up nitraes, phosphates and heavy metals. You can buy plant collections online/mailorder for a fraction of the prices at your lfs.If you get a good one you can ask them to just put in plants that prefer low to medium light.
Buy a bulb specifically for plant growth and add a reflector to boost light. :D

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