fresh water community


Fish Fanatic
Oct 6, 2003
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i have a 10 gal tank and i found fish i want to put in i ve had fish before but not in something this big can i have

cardinal tetra
sunset marigold hi-fin platy
bright guppies
mystery snails
dwarf african dwarf frogs

will thay co exist together in a tank as you can see they cant all fit ina 10 gal so thats why im asking i was also wondering what plant would be cool and easy to take care of with my fish
Hi, this doesn't sound a bad combo but it might be too many for a 10 gallon.

Cardinal tetras are schooling fish and you'd need at least 6.

Platys and guppies like to be in small groups (only one male, however) so you could have a pair of each. However, since they'd breed and you really haven't got space for all those babies, I suggest you only have a breeding pair of one or the other and 2 or 3 females of the other species.

A couple of mystery snails would be fine, and dwarf african frogs would be fine, but you'd need to sacrifice the platies or guppies to make room for them.

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