Frequency Of Feedings


Mar 23, 2011
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North Carolina, USA
I have two otos and they've completely cleared my tank of algae, so I need to supplement their diet. I fed them a bit of zucchini last weekend and left it in for a couple of days, and I plan to drop part of an algae wafer into the tank in a few minutes. I'm just wondering how frequently I should be feeding, as I have a feeling I'm underfeeding.

Edited to add: So much for the algae wafer. The other fish, particularly my molly, are devouring it. I've never seen them so crazy for food before! I guess I'll just stick to vegetables, unless any of you know how to keep them from stealing the poor oto's dinner!
Most of my other fish eat the algae wafers too as they contain the kind of food they eat anyway. I don't have oto's so.can't really help but o break a wafer up every day and in, but I have a lot of bottom feeders. Maybe add some beg like you say, shelled peas, chunk of.cucumber or courgette etc. Also try feeding the other fish when you add the beg to tempt them away from it.
I have two otos and they've completely cleared my tank of algae, so I need to supplement their diet. I fed them a bit of zucchini last weekend and left it in for a couple of days, and I plan to drop part of an algae wafer into the tank in a few minutes. I'm just wondering how frequently I should be feeding, as I have a feeling I'm underfeeding.

Edited to add: So much for the algae wafer. The other fish, particularly my molly, are devouring it. I've never seen them so crazy for food before! I guess I'll just stick to vegetables, unless any of you know how to keep them from stealing the poor oto's dinner!

Add the algae wafers after you turn the tank lights out,this is when I also put the cucumber in, my Royal plec loves it.
I've not kept any sort of Otocinclus but what you describe with mollies and other fish eating 'their' food is exactly what I'd expect. Being such small fish they are always likely to get out competed by bolder fish. I suggest that you carry on feeding wafers and other dry foods as they are likely to get bits of it. But concentrate on providing foods and feeding methods that are more accessible to auwfuchs feeders like Otocinclus. So things like weighing vegetables down or using veg clips, you can also use these to hold meaty foods like prawns, and there are dry tablet foods that can be stuck the the glass.
Thank you for your replies. I sunk some zucchini earlier today, and will leave that in for a bit, and I'll drop bits of wafers in when I turn the lights off. That molly is a piglet, for sure! :rolleyes:
lol! I just put an algae wafer in for Burnie-my new baby bn-he's far too interested in the gunk on the heater suckers to be bothered, but the gold barbs are all over it!- all 6 of them heads down squabbbling over Burnie's breakfast is a sight to see :rolleyes: lol I will try the lights out trick next time!

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