turbotiber said:
I was just wondering, I can't get any live foods here (well I can get Tubifex worms but I don't think it's very clean
Hi turbotiber
Don't pass the live tubifex worms by; they are excellent live food.
I have often heard people comment on the fact that they are raised in nasty environments, but since you will clean them well before serving them to your fish, that doesn't matter. Some people will not eat pigs,crabs or other scavengers for the same reason, but as you can see, what animals eat has no real relationship to the quality or wholesomeness of their meat.
I prefer blackworms for most of my fish, but also feed them tubifex. Because they are smaller, I prefer the tubifex for my cory fry that are large enough to eat live food. It saves me the additional work of chopping the larger worms up. I have never had health issues relating to them.
When you buy them, or any other live food, get them from a reputable lfs and only buy ones that look healthy. Since some lfs employees do not like to do their daily cleanings, it's quite possible that any live food could be in poor shape when they are sold. If they do not appear active and/or if their color does not look right, pass them by.
When you get them, buy small portions rather than large ones because since they are not eating (just living off their body weight) when you have them, they will not live long.
When you get them home, give them a good cleaning. To do this, put them in a cup or other container, and rinse well with cold water. Fill the container and swish them around with a fork to separate them. Pour the water off and repeat this process until the water runs clear. Then pour off almost all the water leaving just enough to cover them. Store in a covered container in the refrigerator.
You should give them another cleaning each day before you serve them. This will remove their waste products and prolong their life span.
Your fish will love them!